Chapter 9

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Kira passed Sereh the dress she had picked up from the camp to cover her body up. She know that her friend thought nothing of being naked but that other would. With Sereh clothed they all sat down in the chairs provided for whoever used the small library. Kira took the seat well away from the chancellor as to give the guard at the door a break. She could see that he was sweating a bit but could tell that the lord chancellor really didnt need any protection from her. He was a powerful changeling of his own right.

"I am The Lord Chancellor Bethlow, I sit on the right side of the king. Now what can I help you ladies with today" he said.

"Chancellor Bethlow, I wish to ask the king that he send some of his soliders to protect my people from the invader. They come in the night and attack use, take our child and try to steal your mate. We have done nothing to them." Sereh pleaded "We try to stop them but its starting to take a toll on us. Some of us have even gone to the duke but he does nothing. I am begging the king for his aid."

Kira watched Bethlow throughout all that Sereh had to tell him. Some of the tale he seemed to know as it didn't shock him as much as she would have thought. When Sereh had said that they were taking children, it was like he expected her to say that. But what really got him interested was that Duke of Dragosen had done nothing.

"It looks like you weren't to surprised by what you have been told" Kira stated.

"I will admit that all you have told me isn't a surprise." He replied "but what does surprise me is that the duke did nothing."

They all sat in silence for a couple minutes. Each to their own thoughts.

"What you have told me, i will take to the king. You go home with a squad of the kings soldiers." Lord chancellor Bethlow stated " They will guard your people until a more permanent solution can be thought of."

"Thank you, sir. It will be a relief to have help" Sereh said.

Kira didn't say anything for she knew that she wouldn't be leaving the room. You couldn't really challenge the kings guards with out there being some consequences. She watched as Sereh got up to leave the room but stopped at the door. She looked back at at Kira, who waved her to go on.

"Good luck with your people" she said.

"Thank you for all your help" Sereh replied.

Sereh left the room leaving the two of them alone. They sat staring at each other. Neither one wanted to break the silence. They were silently testing each others strength. The air pulsed with the two aura clashing. The intensity of the room slowly died down after twenty minutes. Kira sat with a small trickle of sweat falling down the side of her face.

"That was impressive." Lord Bethlow said " Not many people can match me in a battle of will."

"It's not something that I do often." She panted.

"Well you do know that we won't be letting you leave. It's not every day that someone of your nature comes along" he replied.

"My nature? I can't even change, I'm a no one." Kira stated.

"Not everyone's destiny is easy to know. You most likely have one that will take you on a journey before becoming clear" Bethlow said. " I invite you to stay and train some more here at the castle. It will be good for you and the guards."

"Thank you for the offer. I take that I can't refuse?" Kira asked.

From the shake of Lord Bethlow's head, she gladly accepted his offer. He stood and indicated that she should follow him out. Kira was lead from the small library, out into the passageway. From there they went though some more passages and back outside. In front of them was now a barrack with guards and soldiers milling around.

"Captain Star" called Bethlow.

"Sir" she replied, coming forward.

"This is?" He asked

"Kira Untura, chancellor" Kira informed him.

""he said. "She will be with you for sometime. Get her training with the rest of your squad. Don't go easy."

"Sir, yes sir" replied captain star.

With that The Lord chancellor left them.

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