Chapter 13

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Kira didn't know if her ten days until her meeting with The Lord chancellor had become a count down to something. The first couple of days she went about her routine, 50 laps around the grounds, an hours training on each of the different weapons and then 10 laps for a cool down. It was on lap 20 on the sixth day until the meeting when the tension started to register to her. There was more guards on the walls. They were the kings own guards at that. The kings guards were spaced evenly and all of them stared out over the wall of the castle, bar a couple that looked inward.

Kira kept up with her training but now she along with some of the others were watch. After training she went back to her room in the barrack. There she spent her days re reading over the few books she had managed to get hold of. Then going to the mess hall to have dinner before returning to her room to sleep. That night and the next two she dreamt of fire and falling again, something that had stopped when she came to the castle.

After waking in the morning on the third day until her meeting, Kira felt a pull. Almost like she had to go somewhere. She got up and started her day as normal. It was during her morning laps when the pull became stronger. Stopping on the east side of the castle, she slowly started to go where it led. Half an hour later Kira found herself in the east castle gardens.

There were even more kings guards here, some looking inward, some out and even a few of them in the garden itself. When she came in a few of the guards focus shifted to her. She could feel the energy coming off them and it was strong but not enough to wake what was inside her. Looking around, trying to find what had lured her there. She didn't see much until movement caught her attention. There was a woman and a young boy walking in the gardens. Kira was watching them when the pulling sensation faded,thinking it stranger she turn to leave but it came back.

Deciding to stay, she move towards a bench a bit deeper in. The movement caused some of the guards to move as well making the woman look up to see why they move. It didn't take the lady long to spot Kira and start to head in her direction.

Kira stood when the woman and child got closer. She was about to greet them when she heard something. It was a twang of a bow string. Looking for the source even as she moved toward the lady and boy. Her moving toward them made the guards close in on them and the lady turn to protect her son but the guards would get here in time and the woman and child were in danger. Because the woman was wrapped around the boy it was easier for Kira to wrap herself around the both of them. Turning her back towards the arrow Kira took the hit.

The impact made her stumble but it didn't touch her as it hit the trimdium chest weight she wore. Keeping the mother and child protected with her body Kira move them all towards the door at the side of the garden. Two more arrows hit her back before they made it into the hall. She release them once they were inside but still keeping her body between them and danger.

The guards were all around them, slowly moving them down the hall. Kira still kept her body in between the guards and the woman and child. She couldn't tell who was friend or foe. She could hear the woman talking softly to the boy, reassuring him that they were fine.Kira could hear footsteps coming quickly down the hall and felt an energy surge as well.

"Kira Untura what are you doing!" Exclaimed lord Bethlow .

Her focus snapped to him and when that happened a guard darted forward to grab the woman and child behind her. Reacting more than thinking, Kira spun grabbing the family and moving in front of them again. In the same movement she also pulled the guards weapon so that she could protect them even more.

"GUARDS, HOLT" shouted lord Bethlow "Kira their safe, you can stand down."

Trying to watch everyone at once she slowly lowered her acquired sword but still kept her body in place. Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. It didn't last long for the power that was coming down the hall had everyone holding their breath.


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