Chapter 7

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The following morning Kira went back to the magistrate's office to see if he had been able to bring their plea before the king. She learnt that he was away at court and she wouldn't be able to speak to him until later in the day. Taking her leave she went and explored the city some more. She looked at all the different guild houses, trying to learn what each one specialised in making. On finding the guild house that specialised in knives, she went in to look around. In the show area there were hundreds of different knives on display. There were long blades, short blade, double sided, single sided and many more than she could name. Kira spent the most of the morning and some of the afternoon in the Knife house as it was called. She felt when she realised that she needed to get in touch with the magistrate.

Back at his office she learnt that he was going to be out for the rest of the week. And that he hasn't had the time to bring the Changed case before the king. They were going to have to wait to see that when he came back, that if he would remember the case. Leaving the magistrate's office even more frustrated then before, Kira went back to Sereh and Dresen to tell them what had happened.

At the camp she found the Dresen had left gone back to the other Changed to tell them what was happening. Kira felt very reluctant to inform Sereh of the new development. She thought about it for the rest of the day, wondering what to say. In the end she decided just to say it as it was.

"Sereh I don't really know how to say this so I am just going to say it" she started off " the magistrate has left for the week and his office told me that he hadn't had the chance to tell the king of what is happening."

She got a long look from Sereh in return for what she had just said.

" I could probably get the attention of someone close to the king." Kira stated " But it would leave me in a bit of a sticky situation. I am willing to do this for you. Just think on it and let me know in the morning."

With that all said Kira started diner for the night as she let Sereh think about what she had told her. When they had had something to eat and started to settle down for the night Sereh came up to her. She at first just sat there and stared at Kira before she nodded her head.

"You want me to get their attention then?" She inquired. At Sereh's nod again Kira nodded in return. Then lay down to get some rest for the night. As in the morning she was going to do something very dangerous.

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