- Prologue -

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Sean Britto

I lay in the living room on the couch staring at the ceiling wondering what going to happen next. This is not how I see the next chapter of my life. I couldn't bring myself to sleep in our room, everywhere I turn I can smell her or feel her presence even though I know she's not here. I wanted more for us, more children, a bigger house, and a life with her.

I came from a small family. My parents give birth to two sons. I and Dmitri Britto who owns his Hardware store in Denver. Family is my top priority, I don't mix matters when it comes to them.

I remember when I met Cindy she was a beautiful brunette, brown eyes with pale ivory skin tone, little freckles on her cheeks she was a beautiful short thing. She gave me the hardest time when I first approached her. I made it my mission to pursue her like a tiger, no matter how she rejected me I didn't give up. I smile remembering one time I profess my feelings in front of the entire assembly, she walked up to me took my rose and chocolate then whisper in my ears you don't think it would be this easy to get me.

I pursue her like a tiger hunting his prey and eventually she was putty in my hands. I love her smell, her feistiness and how bold she was when it comes to saying what she feels. She drove me crazy. But I love every minute of it.

Now she doesn't want me and I can't understand it. I'm a mess without her. She is the person who calms my realm and makes this journey worth travelling. It's like I wake up one morning and damn she doesn't want me, all my kisses and loving. What is it women want then?

We have been together for seven years, five of those seven years we were married don't that counts for something, the moment she told me she was pregnant I married her. Our wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life. She was so beautiful dressed in white. Now it's all ended. My parents are married for twenty-eight years, I want that, to come home to the same woman and family for the rest of my life. To protect and provide for them. Where's my happy ending.

When I look at my best friend more like a brother to me, Brian and Jinette are so happy. Why can't that be my story? I'm not jealous of him but I want my family. I had that with Cindy why didn't she want me. I never in my seven years with her cheated or looked at another. I was a real player back in the days all I wanted was sex and once I got it I was through with them. But it was different with Cindy she captured my heart and I was tied to her ever since.

I don't blame her for wanting a career every one needs that fulfilment. But why couldn't she work here and be with me and our son?

Steph is a very smart four-year-old, with a smart mouth. why couldn't she stay for him? She says she loves me and always will then why isn't that love enough for her to stay with me.

My mind was going crazy with all the what-ifs, all the memories we share, and now it's over. She doesn't want me to come to visit her she just cut me off as if I'm toxic as if my love isn't good enough for her. After all these years when we were supposed to be comfortable, it all turns to shit.

Why is this my reality? Why can't I have my wife, the dream job, and kids? to come home too. The silence in this house is defining, I want the screams and laughter. The quarrels and smiles especially the makeup.

I keep wracking my brain to know where I went wrong. What I did that was so wrong. She said I was suffocating her didn't give her room to grow. It hurt my soul to hear her say that. I never stop her to do a god damn thing and everything she asks for I gave to her. I even offer to rent an office space for her. I would have begged Brian if I had to, to give her all advertisements and announcements from the company. I would have made sure she had all she needed.

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