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Sean Britto

Annabelle takes her mother's hand walking out of the sitting room. I was left with her dad. I know he is a lawyer and wouldn't pass up the opportunity to ask questions or put me on the hot seat.

When Annabelle was out of hearing shot he asks right away. "I've heard about your divorce a couple of weeks ago. How is it my daughter and yourself are in a relationship?" I was needing that water immediately because my throat went dry. I know the news is out but that wasn't what I wanted our first meeting to be about. No matter how I try I can never run away from it and the media making up all the different scenarios wasn't going to help matters now.

I swallow down my saliva trying to moisten my throat. My divorce was the last thing I wanted to talk about and was hoping they didn't hear about it.

"Sir, Annabelle and I were never together when I was married. I'm going, to be honest with you Mr Innis. I loved my wife. I thought we were happy and our family was doing well. Unexpectedly out of the blue she hit me with she wants to move to Italy for a job offer and was leaving me behind without a palpable explanation of what's going to happen to our marriage. Which was a little over a year ago. She upped and left. I don't fault her for wanting a career. What I wanted was for her to love me enough to make me part of that decision and consider our family, she never did. Even though I knew Annabelle before they were never any romantic relationship between us nor did I pursue her during the course of my marriage. Like I said Annabelle and I connected five months ago at the charity gala. She's a very important woman in my life, in those months I've come to love her. Sir, you've raised an incredible daughter and she put up one hell of a chaste because of my married status."

I look him directly in his eyes so he knows how serious I am about his daughter. He had an emotionless face looking at me. I felt like I was on the witness stand being interrogated for my crimes.

"Where's your wife now?" he asks.

"I assume in Italy I don't check up on her. I only call so she can talk to our son." He knitted his brows "your son is living with you." He asks stunned.

"Yes, sir he lives with me."

"You said over a year ago your wife left."

"Yes sir," I was studying what angle he's come from now when he utters, "all that time you had your son."

"Yes sir, I did. I didn't want her taking him to a foreign country without me and uproot his life. He didn't ask for any of this."

"Does he know about my daughter?"

I smile "he does. He had a big crush on Annabelle too but says he will let me have her because she's grown. They get along very well sir." His face softens a little after hearing this. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you prepare to make a lifelong commitment to my daughter Sean?"

I wasn't ready for marriage right away but if I tell Mr Innis that he may take it out of context. So I confessed, "I can see marriage and a family in the future for us."

"Sir, I want to ask your permission to date your daughter. I know it's a little late but had I been allowed to meet you before today, I would have sought such permission."

"Before I give my consent to this relationship. I want to know how you plan on handling conflicts with my daughter, she's very strong-headed some might say stubborn and what would you do differently in this relationship that you didn't do in your marriage."

"Sir, I firmly believe men who hit women are cowardly and I've never laid a hand on a woman in my life and I don't intend to start now, my parents thought me better to walk away and live to fight another day."

"Smart parents, you have" he acknowledges.

"To add to the first question, Annabelle is a strong will woman but I will value her opinions and decisions. I've made it very clear to her we talk about whatever happens in our relationship and to come to me first no matter how difficult it may seem at the time. But knowing how stubborn she is I may have to persuade her at times to come to me. To answer the second question my first wife said she never had the chance to pursue her career, but problem-solve Annabelle has her career and is more family-oriented. I'm extremely proud of her for the strides she made in her career, the department of international affairs will be lucky to have her."

I was waiting patiently and nervous for his approval when Annabelle walks into the room announcing lunch is served. He told me to go ahead despite being nervous I smile at Annabelle walking off to where I heard voices.

Shortly after Annabelle and her father arrived in the dining room I get up pulling out the chair beside me for her to sit. They weren't any more serious talk and everyone talk and laugh enjoying lunch. Annabelle's sisters tease her about growing up stories. It was a great lunch and I become at ease blending in with her family. When we were finished eating the woman did the cleaning up as Mr Innis, Aaron and I went to the front porch with a glass of Scotch each in our hands while we talk about the current market price and the economy.

After our drink. Aaron take off saying he has another engagement. leaving his dad and me. We were sitting on the armchair when he looks out at the view in front of us.

"Annabelle is the only child we have that's never given us any trouble always made good grades, respectable, and very caring for the people around her. She and Jinette were inseparable. They even went to the prom together.
Her mother went crazy but I was happy I didn't have another boy to fend off for a while. I've seen the way you look at my daughter and the way you talk about her after knowing her for a short while. I can see your affections towards her. All I'm asking for is you to keep her safe protect her at all costs. She doesn't entrust her heart with anyone and from what I've seen today I'm happy she's found a man like you. I hope you're true to your words. I give you my blessings."

I was speechless it took me a minute to register what he said before responding "I give you my word," I stretch out my hands to him but he stood up and I did as well he engulf me in a manly hug, patting my shoulder. It means a lot to me and I want to show him, my word is my bond.

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