Chapter 6 - My Help???

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I step out of Matt's truck, bag on my shoulder, with a blue T-shirt and white denim shorts. Tyler instantly has his arm around me. I tense at his touch.

"Kat told me everything. She also helped me with my wolf stuff." He told me.

"She told you about me and Caroline?" He nods. "Damon and Stefan?" Tyler nods again as we walk into school.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Kat told you, everything has to look normal. So I'll see you at lunch, no excuses this time." Tyler kissed my for head then walks off.

I make my way to my locker. Open it and put my bag away. Grabbing my history book. Someone slams my locker, I jump.

"Your my new best friend." Caroline smiled at me.

"Let me guess, your sired too?" I ask her.

"Of course." She smiled. "Now, let's get to class before we're late. After school, Kat wants us at the Lockwood Mansion." I nod as me and Caroline walks towards history class.

We walk in and sit just as the bell rings. Elena glances over her shoulder at me and smiles, I smile back. She turns around and Mr.Saltzman begins class.


I grab my lunch tray and sit down with Tyler, Matt, and Caroline. Tyler puts his arm around me and Matt does the same to Caroline.

"Did Care tell you?" I ask Tyler.

"Yeah, my house after school." He said.

"So are you going to the Decade Dance, Megan? We're doing the 70's." Caroline smiled.

"As long as I don't have anything planned. My schedule could change at any moment, remember." I wink at her.

"True, true. Just so you know its next Friday, you have a week to figure it out." I nod at Caroline's words.

"Is your friend, Aria, coming tomorrow?" Matt asked. Caroline glares at me.

"Yeah. At least she should be." I said. The bell rings and we all get up. I spot Elena and Bonnie sitting at a table by themselves. I feel bad, wondering if its my fault.

I follow Caroline to out next class, math. We walk in and sit down. Patiently waiting for Mrs.Fell to begin class. The intercom comes on.

"Mrs.Fell?" Mrs.Lockwood asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Can you send down Megan Pierce, she'll be signing out?"

"She'll be right down." Mrs.Fell looks at me and I get up.

"Tell Kat, I'll be late." I whisper under my breath. Caroline nods as I leave the classroom.

I head towards the office after getting my bag from my locker. When I get there, a guy with long black hair and blue eyes waiting for me. He Linda reminded me of Damon, but this guy was my age and he looked more...innocent.

"Come on, Megan. We're gonna hang out today." He said and I follow him out of the office and out of the school.

"Who are you and how do you know me?" I ask.

"I'm Erik Night. I know you because me and my friends need your help." Erik said as he opens the car door of a black Lexus for me. I get in and Erik runs over to the driver side.

"How can I help?"

"Your a vampire, right?" I nod. "Well so are me and my friends." Erik said this as he wipes his forehead, revealing a beautiful blue outline of a crescent moon. "You see one of our friends, Aphrodite has visions. She has one yesterday about you. You were standing in the middle of our school with my ex girlfriend, Zoey. You two said something in a weird language. Our eveil High Priestess, Neferet, got really weak and you two defeated her. We really need your help, because if we don't defeat Neferet a very powerful fallen angel will destroy us all." Erik explained.

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