Chapter 12 - We'll Figure This Out

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Parking in front of the Starbucks attached to the mall at exactly 5:53 am, I take another deep deep breath. I need to breathe or else I won't be able to help anyone. I wipe the last few stray tears from my face.

I remember what Zoey told me, "cover your marks with foundation. Neferet doesn't like the humans knowing that we have actual lives outside of school. At least that what I think she's telling us."

"Thank you, Twins." I smile when I notice the foundation sitting on top of the passenger side seat. I apply the cover up to the Marks on my forehead.

"That's better. Now I don't stick out like a sore thumb." I say and then put it away. I close the mirror and put the car keys in my pocket. After closing the door, I walk straight into the coffee place. Smile on my face. Only a few people sitting with drinks.

How can someone be so happy?

Tyler, look, I'm sorry. You and I both know I'm far from happy.

I know. I'm sorry too. Its not your fault and all I'm doing is making your life more difficult.

Thank you.

"Megan." I turn at the whisper of my name. The smile on my face becomes a genuine one as I meet his amazing green eyes.

"Stefan." I breathe out before I hug him. We both hold each other.

"I'm glad your okay.....I heard about Damon." He said while stroking my hair.

"I'm fine, its okay." I tell him. He pulls me away so he an look in my eyes. I look away because I don't want him to see the hurt and lies hidden there.

"No your not." He whispered.

"Ahh, Stefan, why don't you buy us some refreshments? I need to have a chat with my daughter." The familiar British accent that used to talk from my TV is now calling me his daughter.

"Sure thing, Klaus." Stefan then leans down to my ear. "Good luck." He smirked before walking off.

"I can hear you." Klaus said

"I know." I hear Stefan whisper. Thank you vampire hearing.

"So......" I turn and face him. My father.

"Its so good too meet you. Officially." I'm suddenly engulfed in a hug. I stiffen, but melt into his arms.

"I missed you, Daddy." Tears begin to well but I blink them away.

"Sit and tell me everything about you. I want to know all about my daughter."

"I've never really been much of a talker." I smile as we sit down at a booth across from each other.

"Well, then ask me something."

"Okay. Do you know where Amelia is?" I ask wanting to know about my sister who is apparently alive.

"Scotland. She's alive and human."

"That's all I'm gonna get, right?" He nodded. "What about my mum?"

"Still a werewolf, alive. Last she called, which was the day you got bit, she said she was in Colorado. Her name is Emily."

"Emily." I said under my breathe. My mum has a name, I have a mum.

"Why did you make my last name Pierce?" I ask.

"Because I was thinking of Katerina when I was compelling you. Your last name, of course, is Mikaelson. Like the rest of your family. How are your relatives?"

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