"Sorry, but do I know you?", Sirus questioned prying the girl off him and looking her up and down. "I'm offended. You're the reason my hair is now blond. I used to be black just like yours.", Valentina said in hopes of making the boy before her remember who she is.

"Valen?! It's been so long.", Sirius laughed picking her up and twirling her in the air. "Alright you idiot, put me down. Where's your brother?", she asked once Sirius complied and put her down.

"Here.", Regulus came out from behind James. "You've grown up so much.", Valentina exclaimed pinching the younger boys cheeks. "What's going on?", James, Peter and Remus all asked.

"Long story short. We used to hang out every weekend when we were three. But one day her family moved to France and well we never saw each other till now.", Sirius explained at which the rest noded.

"I'm James Potter nice to meet you.", James said holding out his hand. "Taken.", added Regulus linking hands with James. "So that's why your mother disowned you. Great!", the others were once again confused by the witches words. Why would someone be happy if someone they knew got disowned by his family? They thought.

"Now I don't have to marry you. Amazing I got really sick of my parents forcing me to do so.", Remus chuckled already liking this strange girl.

"Remus Lupin. Also taken.", he said winking at Sirius who blushed. "Good luck. He's always been a pain in the ass.", Valentina informed. "He still is. But I love him for that.", Remus confessed.

"Hi! I'm Peter Pettigrew.", Peter said shyly. Valentina smiled brightly at him, the nervousness Peter had left his body once he saw her bright and reassuring smile. "So Valentina, was it? What house are you in?", James questioned. "None. Haven't been sorted yet. Reckon I'd get sorted tonight.", she explained looking at a girl passing by.

"Straight.", Remus said but Valentina wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying. "What?", she asked thinking she heard Remus say something. "Lily Evans, the girl you were just staring at, is straight.", he repeated himself.

Valentina nodded putting her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

"Do you maybe wanna hang out with us? We were going to the room of requirement.", Sirius asked hoping she'd say yes. They weren't going there but he really missed Valentina and wanted to catch up on her life. Which she did and soon enough they were sitting on the large couch in front of the fireplace in the room of requirement.

"So let me get this straight. You all have ridiculous nicknames for each other without any actual reason. And you also made a map that shows where everyone is in the general area of the whole school and the village nearby.", Valentina asked once the Marauders as she learned James, Sirius, Remus and Peter call themselves told her mostly everything about them.

"Pretty much yeah.", James confirmed. "If I got the nicknames right then. Remus is Moony. James is Prongs. Peter is Wormtail. And Sirius is Padfoot.", as she said their nicknames she pointed to each of them and they once again nodded.

"We should head back. It's almost dinner. And I'm getting hungry.", Peter announced standing up from the sofa he was occupying. "You're always hungry Peter.", Regulus teased as he straightened his robes and got up.

As they entered the Great Hall for supper everyone was staring at Valentina. Obviously, they were curious as to who she was, why wasn't she wearing any uniform and how in the name of hell did she get to hang around the Marauders.

"See you tomorrow at class, babe.", James kissed Regulus goodbye when they parted ways to go to their respective tables. "Before we start I would like to personally welcome the daughter of my good friend, princess Valentina Lafenier.", as Dumbledore welcomed the new girl everyone gasped and started talking amongst themselves.

The Marauders, everyone except Sirius, were surprised to hear that they were in the presence of literal royalty. "Now miss Lafenier, I think you should be sorted now.", McGonagall spoke up holding up the Sorting hat.

Every table became dead silent eagerly watching the beautiful blonde sit down on the little stool with the hat on her head. "Very well then. SLYTHERIN!!!", the hat shouted and Valentina hoped of while the Slytherin table was abnormally cheering.

Instead of going to that table, she went from the one furthest from it, the Gryffindor table, sitting on James's left next to Peter. "Lafenier! Slytherin table is that way!", Minerva said loudly to ensure that the young girl would hear her. "Right...", she became quiet looking back and forth between two tables.

"Regulus! Come over here!", she waved at the other Black inviting him to sit with her. He slightly smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was perfectly fine with where he was sitting now.

Surely he forgot that Valentina Lafenier never takes a no for an answer.

She got up and headed to the Slytherin. She tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and moved a bit guessing she wanted to sit next to him. Instead, she dragged him by the ear to the Gryffindor table and only let go of him when he sat down next to James, reclaiming her seat between Peter and James.

"Was that necessary?", Regulus groaned rubbing his ear. "Yes. You wouldn't listen to me the first time I asked nicely.", she retorted, grinning with satisfaction, finally focusing on the food in front of her.

About 15 minutes later the doors of the Great Hall opened and everyone burst out laughing.

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