The Vanishing Cabinet

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"Come on Sky!" called Narcissa.

They all turned their heads slightly, the started walking down Knockturn Alley. The pathways were narrow and the lighting wasn't that good. The brick walls were covered in wanted posters, mainly those of death eaters, which only made Sky and Draco more worried. There was vicious barking to their right, yet this was ignored. Then they stopped.

I front of them was a large shop. Much of the wall was covered in glass windows, which showed some of the treasures inside.

Narcissa walked straight in, Sky and Draco paused just before the door. They exchanged a quick glance before Draco took a step forward.

The inside of the shop was filled with many expensive items. There were pendants, chairs and even chandeliers made from pure diamonds. Then Narcissa started to speak in her quiet, calming tone.

"This is the vanishing cabinet." She signalled to it. "The one in the room of requirement is the same. Understand?"

Draco walked up and ran his hand along the cabinet. He examined the intracate patterns that it was covered in. Then he spoke up;

"So what do we do?" he enquired, not looking away from the wooden structure.

"Well, you two have to make sure that items can be transported to this one and back."

"It looks easier than it is Dray." The boy turned around to face Sky. "Are you sure we can do it?" her speech was full of nerves, yet she tried to suppress them.

"We have to." Draco said firmly. "You know what will happen if we don't." Sky walked up to him and whispered in his ear;

"Nothing will happen if we're together, I promise." Then she kissed him on the cheek.

Narcissa left Sky to examine the cabinet and pulled Draco aside.

"I want you to take care of her, understand." She was talking in a whisper. "She's like a daughter to me. She is too precious." Draco nodded his head ever so slightly.

Then the blinds dropped down.

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