Hogwarts Express

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It all went black.

There were coughs echoing around the carriage. The air starting clearing, and when it did Draco got out of his seat to check what had happened.

"What was that?"

Then Pansy Parkinson spoke;

"It was probably just a first year messing around. Come on Draco, sit down."

"Yeah, we'll be at Hogwarts soon." Said Sky. Draco checked the carriage one last time before taking his seat. Then he started talking;

"Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd rather pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue there for another two years." Sky had a saddened look on her face, for she felt a similar way.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy inquired.

"Let's just say I don't expect to be wasting my time in charms class next year." Blaise Zabini started smirking, which Draco and Sky picked up on.

"Amused Blaise?" Draco was talking in a firm voice."We'll see just who's laughing in the end." This left Pansy confused, yet she didn't question it.

Sky turned her head to Draco, who started titling his up. She did the same. However, there was nothing there. Then all of a sudden a suitcase jerked slightly. The two looked at each other. It seemed like there was an intruder up above.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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