Chapter Ten: What I Did For Love

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"This good, E?" Deb asked, holding up an arrow.

"Yeah, that'll work." Ethan nodded, taking a look at it distractedly. "God... I hope Lex is alright..."

"We can go check on them if you want." Duke sighed. "We're probably just about done here... I mean, four spears and 20 arrows is probably enough..."

"We did pretty good, huh?" Ethan smirked. He turned to the P.E.I.P. agents still finishing off their respective arrows behind him. "Hey, thanks again for all your help."

"Our pleasure." A tall brunette P.E.I.P Agent, Agent Matteson, nodded.

"This is kind of fun compared to the work we usually have to do." A curly-haired blonde female agent, Agent Lloyd, hummed in agreement as Matteson passed her an arrow tip to sharpen. "Thank you."

"Would you like us to continue production while you check on the transfusion?" A shorter dark haired female agent, Agent Franco, asked.

"That'd be great." Ethan nodded. "You guys are literally the best."

"We know." Another brunette female soldier, Giaratanna, smirked.

"And the coolest... you got a spare one of those uniforms?" Deb added.

"Keep working hard, and you could earn one." A pink-haired agent, Agent Kusturin, winked.

"Go on, make sure your girlfriend is doing okay." Agent Matteson urged.

"Let's give the soldiers some space." Holloway nodded.

Ethan, Deb, Holloway and Duke walked over to the lab. Ethan froze in the door as he saw Harriet, and given that he was leading the group, everyone else assumed the worst. Deb patted his back gently as he came up behind him before seeing Harriet and blinking.

"Holy shit... Harry!" Deb panicked.

Harriet was done being ill, thank god- it was getting everyone else queasy- but McNamara was on standby with the bowl still just in case. Henry was rubbing her shoulder soothingly to comfort her. Hannah had not budged from her spot in front of Harriet. Xander was supporting her fully on him. Lex had ice pressed on the back of her neck gently. Maxon and Emma stood by in case they needed to grab anything.

"Harry?" Duke asked, peeking in. He winced when he saw her. "Viv, anything you can do?"

"I think Hannah's got it covered." Holloway sighed.

"Webby." Xander corrected.

"Is she okay?" Deb asked, concerned. "Like... is she dying? She kinda looks like she's dying..."

"She's not dying." Henry shook his head. "Just... adjusting. The transfusion wasn't as seamless as she thought it would be."

"Sorry I didn't come and help like I said I would, babe..." Lex bit her lip. "I just... I couldn't-"

"Nah, I get it babe." Ethan soothed.

He walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her gently and kissing her cheek. He looked at his banana, trying not to wince. Her eyes weren't even open, and you could just tell it wasn't her. Maybe it was the stillness. She was completely unmoving, and uncharacteristically serene. Lex took his hand with her free hand, squeezing it. They were beginning to feel more and more like parents to her every day, and she could tell even from the way he was standing what he was thinking.

"What can we do to help?" Duke asked.

"Well... even with one pack of ice, she's a bit warm." Henry observed, looking at the screen with her vitals. "Maybe get a cloth from upstairs? Wet it with cold water."

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