New friend.

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A/n I decided to make both Chaz and Draco headgirl and headboy as it is easier for me.

After taking Tom Hiddelston to a safe place,I went home happier than when I had left that morning.The next day I received a letter telling me my O.W.L result for dueling and I passed getting an Outstanding, now I only had to get my fresh school supplies and then it would be back to school.

And this year I am excited to go back,not only do I get to see my lovely boyfriend Gellert again,I also get to see my friend's as well.The only part I'm not looking forward to is the Ministry people at the school. And worst of all not only is one of them my ex boyfriend Kayden Griffin but the so called better version of me Charlotte Kingston was there.

I woke up on the morning of September 1st feeling excited to finally head back to school. I couldn't wait to see Gellert again,OK I had seen him not to long ago,but this will be longer than a week.I had all my stuff packed and ready to go downstairs. I made my way down stairs and saw my dad sitting at the table reading the daily prophet.

"Morning Dad" I greet him
"Morning pup,your cheerful this morning" Sirius says
"I'm going back to school" I say sitting down and helping my self to toast
"You must be the only person happy to be going back to school" Sirius says
"I have a good reason to be happy" I say.

"Yeah,your dueling teacher" Sirius laughs
"Yep,I can't wait to see him" I grin,after finishing breakfast I made sure I had everything packed and we apperated to the train station.

Time skip to on the train

After having a meeting with the new perfects, me and Draco make our way to join our friends
"I take it your happy to be going back to school" Matt asks once me and Draco join them
"Yeah I am" I say
"She's excited to see her lover teacher again" David teases,causing me to blush.

"Aww she's blushing" Rehena smirks
"Oh shut it"I say and they all laugh at me.We talked about what we each did over the summer and what the year would bring
"Well one thing for sure is,we will all still be friends by the end of the year" Audie says and we all agree.

Once we have all changed into our uniforms, we exit the train and we take a carage,me,Matt and David and another girl.Matt and David sat talking, so as to not leave out the other girl I spoke to her
"Hi,I'm Chaz Black"
"...I'm Bathilda Renton" the girl says to me,Bathilda has dark chocolate eyes and black hair.

I notice she is wearing glasses
"I like your glasses" I say
"Oh...thank you" Bathilda says
"I also have glasses" I say taking them out of my pocket,"I just got them"
"Let's see then" David says,I put on the green framed glasses and Matt and David both say
"Glasses are cool" I giggle at there reaction. On arrival the four of us join our other friends.

I carry on talking to Bathilda and I am likeing this girl more as we talk.Audie and Neville go off to their own house tables as the rest of us sit at the Slytherin table.Most of the teachers had yet to arrive, so I sat waiting for one man.And then he entered the hall looking as stunning as always-my boyfriend Gellert Grindelwald, I watch as he makes his way up to the staff table.

I know I am not the only one staring at him,but I am the one that owns his heart and he owns mine.When Gellert passes by where I am sat, he looks at me and sends a wink my way like he did the first day I saw him and just like on that day a year ago I blushed.

Two Hearts(a Gellert Grindelwald love stroy)Where stories live. Discover now