I Did It For You.

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I only had to wait a couple of hours for someone from the Ministry to arrive and hear what I had to say. The two ministry people were of highish rank that came,they listened to my side of events and asked a few questions.

Like had I seen anything wrong going on,had this ever happened before, things like that.But after that they turned there questioning on me and they began to ask about my birth parents,I learnt they are good friends of there's.

They really laid into me, trying to make me believe that everything that happened to me was my own fault and not there's. The ministry people mocked me and laughed at me,but I didn't break-i couldn't let them break me.

They wouldn't even listen to me when I tried to explain, that my personal life had nothing to do with this matter. They only stopped questioning me and left because they were due to give a report back at the Ministry and didn't want to be late.

It has been one full week since I had spoken to the Ministry people and I had yet to hear back from them.I hadn't told anyone about what had gone on in the meeting, in case it went against Gellert coming back. The Ministry had ears at Hogwarts and I don't need them to hear how I feel.

I am currently making my way down to the Quidditch pitch for practice when I get an unexpected surprise.I had just walked past the tree's just behind Hagrid's hut when someone grabs my arm and pulls me into the tree's. On instinct I dropped my broom and grabbed my wand,pointing it at the person who had grabbed me.

"Gellert" I say shocked,when I saw who it was that had 'kidnapped' me
"Where you expecting someone else?" He asks me
"No" I say putting my wand away"What are you doing here?"
"Hello to you as well princess" Gellert says in mock hurt.

"Sorry,its good to see you handsome" I say,giving my boyfriend a hug
"What's up?" Gellert asks
"Why would you ask that,when you can read my mind?" I ask him
"I know,but lets have a normal conversation" Gellert suggests,looking down at me.

"I told the Ministry the truth" I tell him
"What truth?"
"Not the actuall truth,but a made up one" I explained
"That's not all is it?" Gellert asks, I step back from him slightly
"Before they agreed to speak with me,I had to agree to answer there questions afterwards" I tell him.

"What sort of questions?"Gellert asked curious
"... About my birth parents and my childhood, I only found out when they got here,that they are good friends with the Kingston's" I say
"What did they say?"
"They blamed everything thing that happend to me on me, like it was all my fault."

"Why agree to speak to these assholes?" Gellert asks
"I did it for you,to help keep your job" I tell him
"I knew something was wrong,you've been off all week,I could feel it" Gellert says, pulling me back into his arms
"The sooner this mess is sorted the better" I say.

"I hope so"
"We missed our anniversary, because of this nonsense"
"I know" Gellert says "Meet me at the black lake at 10pm and I shall make it up to you."

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