One year to the day...sort of.

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Even though Gellert and I both know he isn't allowed on or near school grounds,we know none of the staff will say anything to the Ministry. All threw quidditch practice I tried to think about what Gellert has in store for us. "he did say he was going to make it up to me,about missing our anniversary" I think.Being back in the common room later that day,the air is icy between my friends.

Apparently they are bitching about sex banning,why I don't know.I had to sit and listen politely about how it was good for a relationship and how it was bad for it as well.In the end I told them to grow up and left for my dorm room,to get ready for my night time patrol which would really be me sneaking outside.Sneaking past the teachers and prefect's isn't to hard as no one suspects anything.

I made my way out of the castle and down towards the black lake.Luckily the moon is out so I can see where I'm going. I didn't risk my wand in case someone is patrolling outside.I arrived at the lake as it turned 10pm,but I couldn't see Gellert anywhere. I walked slightly closer to the lake,when someone grabbed me from behind.

"Boo" the deep voice of Gellert said close to my ear,making me jump slightly
"Oh my God of mischief, that is twice you have startled me today you bad man" I tell Gellert,as I turn to face him and see he is smirking at me
"Couldn't resist love"
"Now before I get to why we are here, I want a kiss" Gellert tells me.

"Still as demanding as ever" I say
"I'm Gellert Grindelwald, do you expect me to be anything but demanding?" Gellert asks me
"I expect you to be kissing me" I sass him
"You're good,but I'm better" Gellert says as he leans down and kisses me.

It felt amazing to kiss Gellert's soft,cool lips again. I ran my hands threw his short platinum blond hair as he grabbed me by the waist and brought me in closer to him.His tounge found its way into my mouth and dances with my own in a heat of passion. My hands left his hair and traveled across his shoulders, down his back and under his black trench coat and grabbed his ass,making him groan against my mouth.Before Gellert could do something in return,we hear a twig snap not to far from us.

We pull back panting, and look to see what caused the noise and see that it is a Thestral passing by
"Interrupted by a Thestral,that's a new one" I say
"At least it wasn't someone being nosey" Gellert says.We sit down on the cool grass,enjoying being together again.Neither of us know how long it will be until the ministry decided Gellert's future as a teacher.

We didn't talk about it,Gellert sat with his back against a tree and I cuddled into his side,with my head resting on his chest.We talked about anything that came to mind.The moon disappeared from the sky but the stars remained in the blackness of the night time sky,which in turn reflected down onto the lake below.

"Chaz,I want to give you something" Gellert's voice broke the stillness of the night air.I sat up as he reached into a pocket and pulled out a small box.Inside the box are two silver rings,one slightly bigger than the other,both have the Deathly Hallows logo on them
"What are they?" I ask him
"Promise rings" Gellert tells me"Promise rings are given to symbolize a promise".

"I want to give you this ring as a promise, to remain faithful, to want you forever, to make my intentions of marriage to you one day known,to keep any secret,to keep any promise you may ask of me,to always return to you and to promise to love you no matter what" Gellert says to me
"Oh Gellert,that was beautiful" I tell him
"No nearly as beautiful as you my love" Gellert says.

I take the smaller of the two rings from the box and Gellert places it onto my ring finger in my left hand,I in turn place the larger ring onto Geller's ring finger
"Now one can doubt if I'm completely serious about being with you or not" I tell Gellert
"Are there people that doubt us?" Gellert asks.

"More than likely, they won't say it to us directly but there will be doubt because of the age difference" I say
"I love you and you love me,what does it matter about age" Gellert says
"Love is love,no matter the age,sex or gender.It is all love,and I love you Gellert Grindelwald and no amount of doubters will change that"
"I love you too Chaz."

Chaz's promise ring

Gellert 's promise ring

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Gellert 's promise ring

Gellert 's promise ring

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Two Hearts(a Gellert Grindelwald love stroy)Where stories live. Discover now