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Later that day I am heading to the library to get some books to read on dueling, when two scared looking second years come running down the corridor. I stop them running
"Hold up guys,you're not ment to run inside" I tell them.

"But Chaz there is something down there" Nick Jones the Hufflepuff boy I met last year said
"Something big and hairy" the little Ravenclaw girl with Nick says
"You sure its not Hagrid" I joke
"This has a tail and paws" Nick said.

"Huh,wonder what it could be" I think"Come on then,I shall deal with this hairy thing"I say.I follow the two second years,who lead me down a side corridor from the library.

"Down there" the girl says pointing
"Go,I got this"I say,the kids run off.I walk down the corridor but don't see anything" mabey they imaged it or it was Peeves"I think,I carry on further and hear a soft growling noise.I look around and see nothing.

Something moves close by me and I grab my wand-just in case.I turn to the sound but see nothing.Before I carried on something big on all fours,with a tail stepped infont of me.I couldn't make out what it is,as the corridor is slightly dark. Before I could even think'Lumos' the big thing ran straight at me.

It ran so fast I didn't react and the thing jumped on me and nocked me to the ground, my wand flew from my hand.I couldn't call for my wand as my hands are pinned by the big thing.The big thing above me let out a soft growl then strangely enough it then licked my face.I turned my head and saw a big cat.

"What on earth?" I said out loud,as I looked up at the cat it looked back at me.And I knew who this cat is,a snow white tiger with beautiful mis matched eyes looked at me"Gellert"I say

The tiger rubs his head against me
"This is your animagus form?Wow I'm jealous" I say,then the tiger turned from beast to man.And my boyfriend is smirking down at me
"You found me" Gellert says.

"Yeah some second years saw you first" I say
"I thought I would supirse you" Gellert says
"Hold on,you said you had a meeting... You Loki'd me" I say shocked
"I did" Gellert says.

Someone clears there throat and we both look and see a awkward and slightly blushing Newt Scamander
"...you... meeting... attend" Newt said before hurrying off
"What's his problem?" Gellert asks.

"Mabey the fact that you are basically laying on top of me,on the floor in a empty corridor" I say
"So your my girlfriend, why does it matter?" Gellert asks standing up and helping me to my feet
"It did look like we where..." I say
"I wouldn't do that out here" Gellert says
"I know but that's what it looked like" I say
"I guess."

Two Hearts(a Gellert Grindelwald love stroy)Where stories live. Discover now