Chapter 8: To Recap...

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3rd POV

Its Friday, three more days of spring break before everyone is due for another prison sentence. Or lifetime in hell. However you want to describe it.

In Riverdale

Betty is getting tired of her Girl Next Door attitude and look. So she's come to Toni to help her 'spice up' her style.

"Betty, what are you doing here?"

"Hey Tones! So... I think I'm ready for that makeover"

"Oh my God! Really? Wait stop. It's about time Betty, no offense but you look the same as you did elementary school."

"Ok I get it damn"

"You can go up to my room"

After a long while of disagreeing and pleading Betty has finally found a style she likes. The girls went to the mall and bought her new clothes.

"All right Betty, be honest with me

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"All right Betty, be honest with me. What's all this about?"

"Well, everyone's out here getting boo'd up and I'm just as single as ever."

"You don't need to change for any man, Betts"

"Who said I was changing for a man?"

"A woman?"

"No!.. well..maybe?- I don't know Toni"

Betty has started to question her sexuality ever since she started this TV series. It has lesbians and she's starting to realize she wants what they have. Not just being in love but being loved by a woman.

"Betty are you coming out to me?"

"Umm, I don't know Toni. I don't think I'm gay but I know I'm not straight... like I don't think straight people think about the same gender how I do."
She spoke, playing with the zipper of her jacket.

"Well I love you either way."
Toni replied, making sure Betty felt she could express herself however she needed to.

"Thank you Toni."

The girls have always had a sister like bond. When Cheryl first introduced them it was weird but they quickly found a connection in photography and got to know each other very well.

"But you still don't need to change yourself for anyone"

"I know, I just want to look different. I've been afraid to change my style in fear of losing friends but now I know y'all aren't fake and will support me through it all."

"Plus this style makes me feel way more confident."

With Kangs

The boys haven't made it official yet, smh, but they're getting there. Right now they're watching movies together, at Kevin's house.

"Fangs pass the remote"



"And he's asleep"
Kevin sighed to himself.

Fangs had been working extra shifts wherever and whenever he could to help with his mom's medical bills. His dad was helping but he had to do a shady job, landing him in jail. This is why he hasn't made things official with Kevin, he's not ready for any major commitments.

Kevin is understanding of this and supports him in any way he can, even though Fangs doesn't accept his money, he does let him encourage him or provide a shoulder to cry on.

Kevin turns the lights off and throws a blanket over them both, kissing Fangs goodnight and starts to clean up their mess.

With Archie

"Mom how smart to do you have to be to be a lawyer?"

"A lot smarter than you"

With SweatPea and Josie

Well I can't actually tell you what they're going, it's kinda... inappropriate.

With Veronica

"I'm high as a motherfucker and drunk as a bitch"
She whispered to herself in the mirror.

She went to a dumb ass party early this morning and can't shake off the intoxication.

Reggie was on her bed, passed out. He was supposed to be her Chauffeur but ended up getting wasted as well.

In Utah, with Cheryl and Penelope

"All right Cher, so you're gonna go to school and all that like normal. You're already registered you'll just be known as the new student. You already know to keep your real name hidden and use the name 'Madelaine Davis'. Don't draw too much attention to yourself, just blend in. Make a friend or two but don't get close to them."

"Why can't I just keep my head low and mind my own business?"

"Because if you're the quiet kid, the others will pick on you or you'll be known as the quiet kid. Either way it's too much attention."


Cheryl still gets into fits sometimes about everything that's changing but she's started to realize no matter what she says nothing will change. It makes her feel helpless but at least she has her friends and the love of her life.

Cheryl's POV
I'm not happy about going to school, especially not here but I guess it's whatever at this point. I went to my room to call Toni when I got a call from an unknown number. I ignored it until it called a second time.


"Hello, is this Cheryl Blossom?"

"This is she"

"You're the emergency contact listed for Jason Blossom. There's been an accident between him, Clifford Blossom and another driver on the road."

"I-I what? I don't understand can you tell me what happened again?"

Andddd we have a filler

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