Chapter 12: Traitors

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Cheryl POV:

I woke up feeling my girlfriend's arms wrapped around me. She was kissing the exposed skin on my body, around my chest, face and neck. I opened my eyes slowly seeing Toni fully dressed, laying beside me.

"Good morning my love"

"Toni, what time is it?" I asked with a raspy voice.

"It's seven thirty"

"Why are you up so early?"

"I have school today, remember?"

"Awww man"
I wanted to spend today with her

"Well thanks for waking me up so I could see you before you go." It really was nice waking up and seeing her, immediately being showered with affection by the woman I love.

What time are you leaving?"

"Eight ten"

"Oh we still have some time"

"Mmhm, my dad dropped my bike off this morning so I don't have to go on the bus. Oh by the way my mom doesn't work today so you'll be here with her."

"I'd rather be here with you"
I pouted, pulling her to lay on my chest

"Don't make me feel bad baby, I'll back around 4:00"

"I know, come cuddle."

She pulled the blanket back sliding in front of me. The light scent of her vanilla perfume filled my nostrils.

"What do you want to do when I get home?"

"Whatever is fine. As long as I'm with you"

"What are you going to do today?"

"Probably try to see JJ and my dad. But I probably won't we able to in person."

*Knock Knock*


"Come in!"

"Oh, good morning girls, I was just making sure Toni was up."

"Okay. Well I'm dressed for school under here."

"You gonna help me cook today Cher? We missed Easter, I completely forgot."

"Are you sure you want me to cook?, I can barely make pancakes."

"Well you can be the taste tester" She chuckled

"Fine by me" I smiled. Before she closed the door. Walking back downstairs.

"You need to get your suitcase out of the middle of the floor"

"I'll think about it"

At Riverdale High
Toni POV:

I parked my bike beside Betty's silver 2018 Hyundai Sonota. Her first car, it used to be her mother's but she passed it down to Betty. Nothing super fancy, it gets you from point A to B, what more do you need.

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