Chapter 13: They weren't surveys

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Cheryl POV

I set an alarm for 7:00 this morning because I'm getting the hell out of this funk. I plan on making breakfast for everyone and getting my day started nicely. No more moping around about not having anything to do or places to be. I quickly turned my alarm off hoping it didn't wake Toni. She groaned a little but was, thankfully, still asleep. I got out of bed and walked down to the expensive looking kitchen. I know the Topazes don't eat too much of a big breakfast since Toni's dad is up and out of here by 8:00, right after him is Toni's mom then Toni.

Okay first things first... wash dishes from last night *sigh* I ran the dishes some bath water and started washing them. When that was done I used a circle pan to make some cinnamon rolls, a bunch of scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. Surprisingly no one woke up but even more shocking, I didn't set off the smoke detector. I washed the dishes I used and set the table. By the time I was done it was 7:50. I went up to Toni's room and saw her still under the covers. I sat on the bed next to her legs and laid on her side

"Did I wake you up?" I asked, noticing she was on her phone.

"Nah, my alarm went off twenty minutes ago" she stretched, pulling me into her lap

"And where did you go to at seven in the morning?" She asked with one eyebrow raised

"Come see" I led her downstairs and to the kitchen, seeing her dad standing at the table with a glass of orange juice in one hand and bacon in the other.

"Morning girls... your mom cooked"

"Actually, drum roll please... I did. I know I know absolutely shocking" I took a bow and they laughed at my silliness.

"Well you did better than last time that's for sure" he said referring to the last time I cooked. The smoke alarm went off, somehow I spilled vegetable oil on the glass stovetop. Burned the croissants and dropped a fruit bowl... that day I was almost as clumsy as Toni but it's only because I couldn't multitask that well.

"You vowed to never speak of that again" I reminded him

"I have no idea what you mean, I just remember you had mess everywhere. I hope you two have a wonderful day, I'm headed to work" he said, grabbing his thermos and lunch box

"No goodbye kiss?" His wife asked, walking down the stairs in her nightgown and slippers

"I was about to run back upstairs, honest" she rolled her eyes playfully. He walked up to her and gave her a few kisses, they said their I love you's before he came over to Toni. He gave her a kiss on the cheek which she returned. I smiled at the family interaction while making my plate. I felt him give me a big bear hug from behind making me smile.

"See you later, mister Topaz"

"See you later everybody!" He blew Ms. Topaz a kiss and walked out of the door, returning after a minute to grab his keys.

"You definitely get that from him" I teased Toni

"What's up with your mom and this FP guy?"  The older Topaz woman asked

"Oh uh I'm not sure I think she has a little crush"

"Her phone kept dinging and you could hear giggling 'hardihardihar, you're so funny FP'"

"First of all I don't sound like that, thank you very much. And second if you wanted to know you could have asked"

"Okay then, who's FP?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Nunya business" she giggled, making herself a plate.

We hurried up breakfast because Toni was going to sneak my mother and I into the hospital again. We went back upstairs and got ready, I was done and was just wearing some black jeans and a black space jam hoodie.

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