Camp Chippamunka

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Kronk 2nd story started at Camp Chippamunka. His troop had won Troop of the Year two years running and we're going for three. But that all change for Kronk during The Aquatic Games. Where he met Birdwell.

According to Kronk, she was a vision. Feet like a pair of landlocked tugboats. Knees like brass doorknobs. Elbows so rough they could take the grain right off a two-by-four. And her eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Hers were more like steel-reinforced security doors with a combination he just had to crack. No doubt about it. She was the kinda girl you'd want to bring home to Papi.

She won him over even more with the Chipmunk Handshake of Fellowship, Level Seven. A level attainable only by the most dedicated of troop leaders.

He was in for a shock when he found out she was Birdwell. Then his troop interrupted them with a giant Cannonball, that send Birdwell's troop right out of the water.

Birdwell then got Kronk's troop disqualified by reading the Official Chipmunk Rulebook. The game was one. Kronk vs Birdwell, they were so caught up in the competition, they didn't even notice what they were putting their troop through.

It then came all down to the Chipmunk Cheer-Off, to break their tie. Birdwell team was going to practice, while Kronk say to do what ever it takes it win. Seem Yzma kinda rub off on him.

This then gave Tipo His own shoulder angle and devil. His shoulder devil was able to easily convince Tipo to cheat. Kronk and Birdwell finally notice their Troop were tried out and decided to bake raisin bread.

After a misunderstanding with their ingredients they finally made up and decided to bake together. They then recreate some famous romance scenes. When they said goodnight to each other, Kronk wrote a letter to his dad.

That when we had to pause the story for Kuzco who was a sobing mess. He was holding his stuff animal as he cry. "He found his one true love!" He then hugs me tightly, laying on the side, and crying into my stomach. "That is so beautiful! It's just like our love story!"

"Kuzco, this is nothing like our story. I wouldn't even consider our story a love story!" I told him.

"It's okay, I know you're just sensitive about this kinda of stuff." Kuzco pulls away and turns away from the camera. "Can I have a moment, please? Turn away." He takes out a napkin and blows his nose, then he blow his stuff animal's nose.

He then holds the napkin out for me. "I'm crying on the inside, I'm good." I told him holding up a hand to say I'm fine. He tosses it away.

"OK. OK. All better. Go, go, go. Go back to the funny. I'm bringing you down." He said hugging me again, like I'm his 2nd teddy bear.

We go back to Kronk when they give their troops raisin beard and told their troop their just going to do that last event for fun.

Unfortunately Tipo was the only one that wasn't there, he was to busy making itching powder to sabotage Birdwell's team. After Kronk gave Birdwell Monogrammed oven mitts they perform their cheer.

After Birdwell chalk up her hand her team perform. When Birdwell was standing on stilts, holding her team up she. The itching powder kick in and her team feel face first in mud.

Birdwell them finds out Tipo was behind this and started lecturing him. Kronk then man's up and tell her he told Tipo to do what ever it takes to win. She return the mitts to him and left with her troop.

All he had to remember her was the mitts and now they we're burn to a crisp.

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