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"Exist in superposition,
Life's all about contradiction.
Ying and yang,
fluidity and things."
-Daniel Caesar (superposition)


"That was rude, Ron,"I scolded my little sister, in the car.

She had just insulted our step-mother.

To her face.


Scoffing, she turned her dewy green eyes to me. "Whatever".

"And what on earth do you have on your eyes?"

"Eye liner."

I raised an eyebrows. "Since when?"

She stuck her Airpods in and kept quiet.

So now you wanna be quiet?

Once I parked, she got out and closed the door.

"Bye, bro," I heard her say outside the car.

I grabbed my bag, got out, locked the car and made  way to my classroom; SS3A.

Walking in, I saw Adejare sleeping, as usual.

She and Majid are alike that way.

I heard a bit of commotion from outside, but decided not to check it out.

I mean, it's Hillsong High, everyone will probably know what happened by fifth period.

Lunch time, at the very least.

Instead, I stood there, trying to pick where to sit.


I turned to see my brother form another mother, Kesiena.

We did our guy hand shake, smiling like we hadn't seen each other just yesterday.

He walked to the back row and claimed the seat directly behind Adejare.

I was about to move to the the seat next to his when Austin walked in.

"Fin-ass and Kes-hyena, so you guys are here?" he asked.

It's people like Austin that makes scientists think we originated from monkeys.

"And is that Deja Dog I see there?"

I mentally face palmed as Kes sighed.

This is exactly why you don't take weed in the morning.

"Guy, you're not a human being," I said, placing my bag on my chosen desk.

Austin smiled at me. "Shey? How you take know, sef?"

Then he walked out of the class, humming.



His eyes were on Adejare.

"Let's go see 'Jid."

We moved to B class, where our friend Majid sat.

I met Majid through my sister and his own little brother, Khalid.

They met in an arcade in the mall, and next thing we get introduced.

Next ,next thing, we find we attend the same school and the rest has been history.

I sat on his desk while Kes sat on the desk next to him, after we'd greeted and exchanged handshakes.

You guys missed fight, sha!" Kes said.

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