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Okay... you can do it...start typing...now. Start typing now.

I dropped my head into my hands. Honestly this is never going to work, how on earth did I get to be this quiet in my own head? I wanted nothing more than to just pour my current thought into writing, to create even just a random few pages that could maybe be put towards something more. But nothing was coming to me, hadn't really come to me since moving here, but then again it wasn't like I had given myself time to think since I got here, with work and then David. I felt like I was moving miles an hour even though I'd been here almost two months now.

I heard the faint click of the kettle letting me know the water had finished boiling, the rain was pattering gently against the windows of my now pretty much done house. I grimaced at the fact that my mind instantly thought about how David said he would help me paint but then couldn't, couldn't so many times I ended up doing it by myself.

Kate left the day after David had come to the club to pick me up. It was a little awkward that morning, she knew I was all over the place emotionally, I knew that deep down she cared but it certainly wasn't the weekend she had planned. She wasn't meant to go home until the evening, we were meant to go shopping but after David had dropped us home and left without really saying anything else she decided that taking the extra day off of work wasn't worth it.

I didn't blame her. I still couldn't decide how I felt after the talk I had with David. I was fuzzy from the alcohol but I remember all to well how I sounded... "I don't know if I can do this David" I was stupid. So stupid. I shook my head at myself as I poured the water over the instant coffee in my mug. I was thankful when David told me not to worry about any of it, he knew I was drunk and that I had every reason to be upset. But it didn't change anything. He was still gone all the time and honestly it was really starting to show.

I remember how hard I -and everyone else- had jumped when David walked to his desk and starting throwing and hitting his keyboard against it's surface. It didn't even help that one little girl had been found, because the other was still out there, god knows where. But it gave everyone hope that one girl was found alive. I was furious when I found out that David had been called to deal with an additional homicide on top of looking for the missing girls. When he said "They found a girl" I figured it was one of the missing kids, not an entirely separate case!! He kept it quiet from me to keep me from worrying but the file ended up on my desk eventually.

I sighed, finishing the coffee, tongue slightly numb from the fact that I hadn't let it cool fully before drinking it. I grabbed my bag, throwing it onto my shoulder and looked outside. It was light rain, almost stopping so I figured my cardigan was enough. One of the guys from work (divorcee, I feel sorry for him acquiring that mental nickname from me) managed to get me a deal on a car from a friend. Which meant I didn't rely on David as much to take me home and it stopped him from worrying about me walking or taking a bus. It was fine, it worked, it was plain, it was safe. That's all I needed!

The department was quiet, it was a Saturday so only the unlucky ones who were on the rota to cover this weekend were here. David was sat at his desk like I knew he would be. They were really pushing the case now.

"Hey kiddo, watcha doing here on a weekend?" Frank, an older officer, a sweetheart, always refilled my coffee if he was making his own and walked past my desk. I saw David glance up from his desk at Franks voice, spotting me.

"Just dropping off a file" It was almost the full truth, I did have a file to bring back... but it could have waited until Monday, I just knew David would be here and I wanted selfishly to see him. Frank winked and wandered off, leaving me to walk up to my desk and dump the file down, David watching me from his desk. They were separated by a space to walk between the desks but he could easily reach me in two steps.

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