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We cleared away the dishes in a blissfully contempt silence, David dried the plates and cooking equipment as I washed and it wasn't long before we were sat on the couch with a cup of tea each and a movie playing in the background.

"Okay now explain to me again why he's so attractive" I turned my head to David who was looking at the TV, a skeptical look on his face.

"Oh come on, he's gorgeous, he's a teacher of archaeology, he wears a cool hat and always wins, whats there not to like?" Right as I said it the scene changed to Indiana having a shoot off. "He's good with a gun too"

"Mmm...okay fine, I mean I guess so if you're into that kind of thing" There was a brief pause. "Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Into that kinda thing?"

"You mean young Harrison Ford? David everyone loves a young Harrison Ford" I laughed and paused the TV turning to the detective sat beside me, his arm comfortably laying across the back of the couch, his legs propped up against the coffee table. "You know it's getting kinda late"

"Oh, yeah you're right I can get going-"

"No that's not what I meant, you could stay over" David looked at me with a concerned look. "You don't have to!" I stumbled over my words and sat up away from David, tucking my hair nervously behind my ear.

"No I'd like to! I just wasn't sure you meant...are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know" David fell back against the couch in defeat, his struggle to find the right words obviously getting to him. "I just...I don't want you to think I'm trying to go too fast, I'm not trying to make up for lost time or anything, this just...this whole thing just..."

"Feels right?" David looked at me and for a split second I worried that wasn't what he had been thinking at all, maybe I was the one who was pushing this to go faster. I couldn't deny I'd thought about it, the possibility of David staying over, what we go get up to late at night when the rest of the town is sleeping.

"Yeah it does" the sound of Davids voice brought me away from my thoughts, had he been this close before? He was so close that if I moved forward slightly our noses would touch, his eyes were a dark storm in the low light of the living room. His mouth parted ever so slightly as he sat still waiting to see what my next move would be.

I leant forward, pushing my lips against his softly at first, waiting for him to pull me closer by the waist before deepening the kiss. My hands trailed along his shoulders, moving higher until they were running across the short hair at the back of his neck. He pulled me closer and I felt his tongue run along my lower lip asking for permission which I quickly gave him.

The room suddenly felt so warm, our breathing became heavy but neither of us stopped. It was like we were afraid that if we stopped it would be weeks again before we could be like this. I decided to be bolder than I would normally ever be and pushed myself up to sit on Davids lap, his hands instantly moved to pull my hips closer, his hands gripping my ass keeping me in place.

I let my hands wander down his chest, his thin t-shirt not leaving much to the imagination. I could feel his arousal underneath the fabric of his jeans, I allowed myself to push against his harden, a small groan left his lips as he pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against my own.

"We should stop...otherwise I wont be able to if we keep this going" His voice was dark mixed with lust and the strain of catching his breath.

"Do you want to stop?" I asked, moving my head to press small kisses along his jaw and down his neck, consequences be damned I wanted this.

Loving Loki (Detective Loki)Where stories live. Discover now