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Why was it that when you knew you had a day off tomorrow time seemed to slow down just to torture you?

My coffee steamed up my glasses slightly as I rested my chin on my hand, eyes glaring at my screen in front of me. I had put these damn details in three times now and the system still wasn't excepting it. My eyes had started to twitch at the thought of having to tape it all out a fourth time.

"Don't fuck with me computer I swear I will poor my coffee right into your hard drive"

"You'd never waste the coffee" I turned my head to a smirking David, he seemed in better form lately, one of the girls had been found and was being treated in hospital, he wasn't badly injured they just wanted to run some test to be on the safe side.

"Yeah well for this asshole I might consider it" I turned back to the screen, miserably pouting as I watch the loading circle spin for the millionth time today. "So you're leaving early?"

"Looks like it, there's not much else I can do now. Leads have dried back up regarding the girl who's still missing but their gonna send one of the female detective down to ask her some questions when she's feeling better"

"You too scary to send?"

"Apparently so" He smiled and looked at the screen, I could see the pity on his face as he looked at the error message that had popped up. "You have my permission to pour your coffee on it"

"Thank God I thought you'd never let me do it"

"You have a day off tomorrow right?"

"Sure do, why'd you ask?"

"I have one too, I thought we could hit the city like we said the other night"

"Sure! Sounds good!"

My god could this evening last any longer?! Time is a cruel thing to those of us who want it to go quicker! I pulled my legs closer up to me as I snuggled further into the couch, me back resting into the corner by the arm rest. I had an hour before David was due to pick me up, I'd already taken a shower, my hair drying quietly in the warmth of the living room. What was I going to wear? I turned my head to look out the window. It wasn't a horrible day, it did still look cold though which upon research I had found out was very common for this area.

Maybe jeans... maybe I'm overthinking it, the guys only helping me grab supplies to redecorate my house, I needed paint, cream? White? I wasn't sure. I stood up and slowly made my way to the bedroom, this was David, I could easily be comfortable around him. After struggling into my jeans which hugged to my legs and grabbing my NYPD hoodie that Uncle John had sent to me after he got his position, I remember feeling so cool having the big yellow letters printed down the arm. Now though it was a comfort and it was ridiculously comfortable too. You couldn't go wrong with it really.

Working at the police station here was such a breath of air, I remember always looking up to John but being terrified at the idea of working the job that he did. I was grateful when this job became available, even more so when I was offered the position.

There was a knock at the door. He's early.

I pulled the chain out of the lock and opened the door, David smiled and for once he actually looked well rested, the dark circles under his eyes didn't seem as dark as they usually did, maybe he'd actually got a good nights sleep last night. I mentally thanked an unknown deity for the fact that David was super casual too, sporting his usual black jacket but a sweater peeked out from underneath.

"You ready? Sorry I'm early my neighbour decided today would be a good day to do his gardening and the noise almost drove me to murder" I smiled and quickly grabbed my tote bag and keys from the side before following him out and closing and locking the door behind me.

The drive took about forty minutes, David and I chatted mindlessly, the conversations easily flowing and I took notice of how different he seemed. Sure this wasn't the first time I'd been around David outside of work but I think leaving work early yesterday and the fact that there was nothing surrounding him about the case really allowed him to open up his shell of security.

I was happy to see that the stores weren't rammed either, perks of going out on a weekday I guessed. It took a few hours to trail through a few stores picking out bits I needed, new kitchenware, new sheets for the bedroom and a few homey bits to make the place feel more cosy. I half expected David to grow bored but every time I asked he just smiled and told me to carry on.

So thats what I did, two hours later we were back in the car with a handful of pain cans and carrier bags with all my new things almost back into town.

"You hungry?"

"I could definitely kill one of Kathy's burgers right now" David smiled and continued to drive towards the Diner, he'd definitely gone a little more quiet now, I was worried he had gotten bored. "I'm sorry I dragged you around for so long"

"Don't be, it was kinda nice not to have to worry about anything and just be dragged along" He threw me a quick smile before turning his attention back to the road. I could see the Diner in the distance, the parking lot already quite full with cars but David managed to squeeze us into a space and we walked in.

It was noisy, a group of workers cracking jokes and laughing over the other side of the diner, we sat down in the same both as last time. As Kathy was taking our orders I saw David look over at the guys who still hadn't quietened down.

"Oh please tell me you're gonna go all bad cop on their asses"

"Nah, they deserve a break right?"

"Yeah of course!" David seemed to go between good moods and quiet moods quite quickly, maybe it was because of the stress of his job. "Thank you for coming with me today, it was nice" David nodded and smiled looking quickly down at his cup of coffee, but not before I'd noticed the redness that came into his cheeks.

"You know I'm not...I'm not very good at this"

"At what?"

"Dating" I looked up at him. Was that what we were doing? I couldn't think for a moment. I mean sure David was attractive and he was a nice person, always trying a little too hard at work sometimes because he wanted to be the best he could be. He was sweet, well I'd never seen him any different anyway. Date David? I kind of liked that idea. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have mentioned it"

My eyes snapped up back to his, the worry on his face clear as a summer sky. "No! I'm sorry! I was just a little shocked, I didn't know you felt like that for me, I just thought you saw me as a friend"

"I do! I mean I would like it if you did too...We don't have to! Forget I said it"

"I'd like to" David looked back up from his coffee cup, a smile of relief tugging at his lips.

"Are you sure? You don't have to, I don't want you to feel obligated or for it to be weird because we work together"

"I'm sure David" There it was, that smile. 

Loving Loki (Detective Loki)Where stories live. Discover now