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Two weeks. Two uneventful weeks had passed since David and I had our day out. The day where we had also said that we would start dating each other, yet here I am sat on may couch on a Saturday morning wondering why fate and timing had been so cruel to me.

I was being selfish, I knew this yet I couldn't help myself. So many thoughts were running through my head right now. The case was over. Detective Loki was on the news. Missing girls both found and alive. Even the father of the last girl to be found had been located after his mysterious disappearance. I wanted to be happy, I was, almost. David had been gone so much recently, the last two weeks were manic for him, not just because he solved the case but also because people seemed to blow up about this story, about the detective who had single handedly solved this brutally horrible case of the abduction of two girls.

My phone vibrated against the wood of the coffee table beside me, my eyes pulling away from the dull noise of the TV. It was David.

I know you're mad, I'm sorry I haven't had any time to see you. Can I come over later?

It was hard to be mad, I just couldn't justify it. How could I be mad at someone who so patiently and passionately wanted to do his best to find the missing girl, who had risked his well being to bring her home? You just cant be mad at someone like that. But I cant deny this strange feeling inside. It had been almost three months since I moved here and the lonely feeling never fully went away. I almost cried when my friend Kate told me she was coming to visit me, I swear I couldn't wait the three days it was going to take before she's due to visit.

I'm not mad David, how could I be? Of course you can come over x

These little texts back and forth had been a constant part of my daily routine for the last two weeks. It was the only thing that fully reminded me that I was even in this relationship. This very new, very non-existent relationship.

Ok, I'll be there around 5:30pm? We could order some food and watch a movie?

I had to admit he knew how to do it. Somehow he knew after so little time that I preferred to stay home and snuggle up rather than dressing up and going out. Well...except from when Kate gets here then going out is a must, the girl seems to function best under florescent lights and above crowded dance floors.

My eyes drifted to my laptop, still sat on the coffee table "Draft One" the only thing written on the screen. I tried, so so many times to get words out. God I wanted to write something. To pour my emotions out and create something that others would be still glued to at 1:00am in the morning because they simply can't put it down without knowing the ending. I don't know what it was but the sudden urge to leave the house was so heavy on my shoulders that I didn't hesitate with my next text.

Skip takeout, I need milk, I'll grab something to make for dinner x

I was pretty comfortable cooking for myself, it had been a while since I'd cooked for anyone else but the idea of trying something new with David was so exciting.

Sure sounds great x

I allowed myself a few seconds to smile at the fact that he put an x at the end of the text, its such a petty thing to notice but I did anyway. Then I jumped up, grabbed my coat, keys and bag and headed out.

The little car I'd got myself was useful enough, it wasn't fancy or particularly expensive but it worked for me and didn't look like a crumpled up tin can so I think I did okay. The parking lot to the local supermarket was pretty full, I didn't expect anything less for a Saturday. But I did take notice more than once of the kids cheerfully throwing their parents groceries to each other other the carts. One wrong move and that melon is going everywhere.

Loving Loki (Detective Loki)Where stories live. Discover now