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David had been called away early that morning, they found one of the missing girls, Joy. I had never seen David move so quickly to get out of the house and to the hospital to find out what was going on. I was filled with happiness for Joy's family, but my heart was heavy for Anna's. 

I tapped my pen against the paperwork in front of me, my head resting in my other hand as I stared at Davids...not so organised notes. He was a great detective, but his writing? Needed a whole other detective just to figure out what the hell he'd written. I couldn't blame him really, he was trying to solve this case, paperwork was the least of his worries and based off of that in between case he'd been put on, he left all of his paperwork until the case was over. The chief didn't like it. 

"It can end up being sloppy, what if he misses something?"

"He never misses anything, he's never not solved a case you know that"

I haven't told David about the chiefs idea to make me sit in as a partner for David to make sure he followed the rules and took notes. I'd had field training sure but I never intended to go out into said field, background work was where I always imagined myself being. But telling David was a whole new ball game. He would hate it, not just the idea of being followed around but the idea of me going out with him, putting myself at risk. 

 I put the pen down and sighed, why did he have to write in codes and one words. Window, medication, something I can't even read. It took asking three other officers if they knew what the call out was for before I found out that Anna's mother had called because she thought someone had broken in, David suspected it was down to her medication and the word I couldn't read ended up being basement, no one knows why he mentioned the basement. 

It took almost the whole working day before I saw David walk into the department, I had actually been productive too, most of the paperwork was done, I'd filled in the blanks from David's notes the best I could and I was getting ready to pack up when he walked over to me.


"Hey" He looked better, maybe the fact that there was a new sense of hope for solving this case made him spring back a little. "I was just getting ready to leave unless you need me to stay?"

"No, no I don't..." David's eyes drifted to the file I just finished, sticky notes covering the font cover and poking out from between pages. "You uh, thought it needed more colour?"

"No...more words maybe" I shot him a 'yeah you know what I'm talking about look' and he sighed and huffed out a small laugh" 

"I'll go through it and add what you couldn't" 

"Thank you, maybe you could work on your handwriting while you're at it"

"You know its cruel to shit on someone's handwriting"

"It's cruel to make me decipher it everyday" We smiled at each other and David took the file from my desk, looking over the font cover of notes. "I umm...did chief...have you spoken at all lately?" David looked at me with a questioning side eye, hovering still between our two desks.

"Uh, other than arguing about the case? No, why?" He turned to me fully now, file forgotten. "What's going on? Is he fucking going on about the gun incident, the guy was unstable-"

"No, it's nothing to do with that" David kept looking at me, waiting for me to continue impatiently. "He wants me to go out with you...when you follow leads" David just kept looking at me, I could see the short fuse inside him had already burn out and the anger growing in his face. "He thinks it would help, you know cover everything. He had a lot of cleaning up to do after the incident and I guess he just wants everything done right for a while..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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