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Kate's loud and cheerful laughter came out from the bathroom as I sat on my bed getting myself ready. I knew it would be the case that as soon as she arrived we would eat and then get ready to hit the town, there's a bar just on the outskirts that a lot of people go to. I quickly checked my phone again, no reply from David. I hoped he was alright and not stressing himself out too much.

"So who's the guy?" Kate leant out of the bathroom door, her shirt brown hair a wonderful contract against her light green eyes, a knowing smirk playing on her features.

"He's... a detective from work, David"

"Ooh a detective? So wait he's above you right?"

"Technically most of them are, I don't report to him anymore though, only on the last case"

"The one with those girls?"

"Yeah" I turned my head back to my phone. "He hasn't replied all day, I wasn't sure if he was still coming back tonight with you here, no offence"

"None taken, it might be better if he had work tomorrow, I can't promise I'll be able to sneak in quietly after a few much needed drinks" she smirked and turned to go back into the bathroom, using the larger mirror and lighting to work on her makeup and hair.

I sighed and quickly sent David another text, one more wouldn't hurt.

I hope you're okay, I'm heading out with Kate soon xxx

Well that's all I can do for now, I tried not to let it get to me, I wasn't mad at David I was just worried about him. I shook my head trying to ignore my wandering thoughts and went back to getting ready. You could feel the worry still in your stomach, and for a split second I wanted to scold myself for allowing this to happen. David was fine, he was a grown man and a detective you don't need to sit here and worry about him. But would I always worry about him? Is this what the rest of my life could look like? Unanswered calls and texts, constant worrying that he might not come home, that some crazed maniac might shoot him? Will I just be sitting here feeling sorry for myself and not wanting to go out.

Not wanting to do things I've missed since moving here because Davids not here with me? No, because I don't know where he is or if he's alright? I felt tears gather in my eyes and quickly brushed them away. I didn't want Kate to see me like this, I couldn't ruin the one night or normality I've had since moving here.

This whole time, it's been a rollercoaster of things moving so fast. A new job, David, sleeping with David, although I don't regret it, getting worried and upset over David. Why was it like this?

"You okay hun?" I turned my head to look at Kate, a worried look passed over her face before her featured softened and she gave me a sorry smile. "You wanna skip tonight? I don't mind we can get a pizza?"

"No" I sniffed, wiping my face with a tissue. "I don't want to ruin this trip for you, I want to have fun"

"Alright, but we can come back early if you like" Kate smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "This guys got you wound up in all kinds of ways hasn't he" I nodded and she smiled and sat down beside me. "He'll be fine, I'm sure he knows what he's doing, he came back okay after that last case right? So don't worry, let go have a good time!"


I watched the clock tick over as I sat back in my chair, I'd been questioning this asshole for hours and he still just sat there quietly looking as scared as a deer about to get hit by a truck. I hadn't eaten yet either, not that I wasn't use to it but my energy was draining.

The girl they'd found this morning was Ashely Harris, 21, her parents hadn't seen her for months, said she left to live on her own with a roommate. A roommate who was as helpful as a ripped umbrella. "I haven't seen her in a few days, she left with some guy but that's normal you know? We're always going off then coming back then going off again"

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