A Day In The Life

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Note: SUPER COMBO TIME. Anon prompt: What is the crew's casual life like when they're not out solving mysteries (post Worse Than Death). Is there any awkwardness between them over the events that have transpired,Cave and all? Anon prompt: Lewis trying to teach Arthur/Vivi some Spanish and failing terribly because Arthur can't roll his R's and Vivi keeps laughing at Arthur being a derp. Sororia04s Prompt: the side effects of lewis and arthur having each other's aura (purple/orange) XD. Child: Gonna say all moved into the new place again. Also gonna say I'm dragging in further themes from Solitaria-fantasma earlier prompt about continuing to rebuild friendship. Also thanks to the wonderful folks on Tumblr for today's Vivi-isms.


"Oh come on Arthur it's not that hard!" Lewis lay on his stomach on top of the turquoise minivan. "Seriously, I bet Mystery could do it, and he's got a muzzle! It's all in the tongue, roll it."

"You roll it." Arthur grumbled, sticking a wrench in his mouth and talking around it as he examined the undersides of the van. "Just cause I got laughed at by a customer for trying to say 'thanks' in Spanish doesn't mean I gotta go back to highschool lessons."

"Yeah and what happens when you don't have me or your uncle around to translate for you? Come on Arthur. Roll it. Just try one word, Regalo."

"Am I saying something dirty if I do?" Arthur squinted up at him suspiciously.

Lewis facepalmed. "Arthur, seriously? Basic highschool Spanish-Present, okay? It means present. Just say it. Regalo."

"Regalo." Arthur mumbled around the wrench, butchering it.

"Metal in your mouth doesn't help." Lewis phased through the roof of the van, reaching through the floor and grabbing the wrench out of Arthur's mouth.

"Hey I need that!" He protested.

"Say the word right and you get it back."

"Then I'm never gonna get it back!" Arthur whined. "Regalo!"

"Roll the 'R'!"

"I'll roll your R!" Arthur wheeled himself out from under the van, glaring up through a face plastered with grime. "Gimme my wrench!"

Lewis stood back on top of the van, grinning down devilishly as he twirled the wrench. "I'm waiting."

"Regalo!" Arthur swung the van door open, planting his foot on a seat and launching up to the top of the van. Lewis floated out of reach, smirking. "Regalo!" Arthur stretched his arm out, grabbing madly for the tool. "C'mon Lewis stop being a jerk! Re-AUGH!" He lost his balance, pitching over the edge.

The wrench clanged to the ground as Lewis darted forward, grabbing Arthur by the back of his jacket before he faceplanted into the cement. He lowered Arthur to the ground slowly, then sat beside him. Arthur didn't look up.

"Um… Arthur… sorry, I didn't…" Lewis nudged the tool back toward him.

"It's ok." Arthur cleared his throat, bringing his legs around to sit. He picked up the wrench, taking a deep breath. "It's… it's not as bad. Whatever Callie did… I'm okay… mostly. I mean, I got up there, right?" He cranked up a grin. "And so far a whole month and no major supernaturally shattering things have happened, so…" He shrugged, standing to his feet.

"Yeah. Well, at least Vivi will get a laugh." Lewis stood, brushing his sleeves off.

"Huh?" Arthur glanced over, just in time to see Lewis clicking a tape recorder off. "YOU DIDN'T! GET BACK HERE!" Arthur took off after Lewis, abandoning the wrench as the specter quickly assumed human features and ran out of the shop, laughing all the way down the street.

And so it was that a ghost streaked into Tome Tomb bookstore, followed by a grease-smeared mechanic cursing up a storm. Arthur launched at Lewis, tumbling through the ghost and plowing into a rickety bookshelf, toppling the precarious structure onto himself. Laughing, Lewis bent down to pull books off, easing his stunned friend out from under the shelves.

"Lewis, you absolute pancake!" Vivi shouted from the other end of the store, storming toward the wreckage. "What are you two doing to my…. MY BOOKS!" She screeched.

Lewis' face suddenly flickered with fear. "Um… Arthur… maybe, um, we should… go…"

"Agreed." Arthur hauled himself up as the two stumbled for the door.


They fled the bookstore, neither of them stopping for at least three blocks. Arthur finally plopped onto a bench, wheezing, as Lewis perched next to him.

"When… did you… become…. the prankster?" Arthur wheezed. "If I… recall…. that was… strictly…. my… gag."

"Yeah well you're more of a stick in the mud than you used to be." Lewis paused, eyes widening as Arthur grinned. "Whatever you're about to say, you can keep your trap shut."

"I was just going to say nice orange 'do." Arthur grinned cheekily. "Come with side effects?"

Lewis swatted the back of his head, and Arthur groaned. "Lew, your hands are huge, watch your strength." He rubbed the back of his head. "Was it just me, or did you see Callie in the back with Vivi?"

"Yeah I saw her. Vivi mentioned she spends most mornings there reading. I guess she's trying to catch up on the world."

Arthur sighed, leaning his head back. "Yeah. I don't really want to let her near the laptop, she could fry it." He lifted his head again, a slight frown creasing his forehead. "You seen Mystery today?"

"Checked in on him on my way out. He said he needed to rest." Lewis paused. "You a little worried about how much he's resting lately?"

"Yeah." Arthur bit his lip. "I dunno if that's normal. But how am I supposed to know?"

"You could ask Callie."

"Callie hates his guts."

"But she's willing to work with you, you could ask her."

"Maybe. I guess we can figure it out later. I gotta get back to the shop." He sighed, standing. "May as well get in a good day's work before Vivi kills me later. I'll probably have to build her some kind of replacement to save my hide."

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