Come To The Dark Side

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Note: Anon Story prompt: Arthur gets captured by a cult, but their motives aren't quite as sinister as they first seem. (I'd say post WTD)


Vivi had hardly finished the note pinned to their front door before tearing around to the van parked in their driveway, Mystery and Callie hot on her heels. Lewis was finishing the last paragraph as she revved up the engine, prompting him to flash over to the passenger's seat as fast as he could, fumbling with the buckle.

"Really Lew?" She threw the van in reverse as he dropped the buckle.

"Force of habit." He said sheepishly. "Where do you think they have him?"

"One way to find out fast." Vivi held up the locket, driving down the street with one hand. "Where's Arthur?" She demanded, swerving the van in her lane.

"Is this level of imbalance usual for this mode of transport?" Callie asked, clinging to one of the seats. Mystery just sank his teeth into an armrest and tried to stay put, his hindquarters slipping off the seat.

The necklace lit up, displaying coordinates. Vivi fished in her pocket, tossing Lewis her cellphone. "Lewis, Google Maps that, we gotta get there fast. 'Don't look for Arthur' my ripped stockings, I'll tear each and every one of those spaghetti waxers new wormholes when we find them. If I see one rune on him, or one cut, just one…" She fumed, jerking the wheel round and cutting off a high-seated truck.

"Here!" Lewis held up the phone. "Down Dewburry and a left on Dryson, quick!"

Vivi squealed around the corner, flooring the pedal and throwing Callie and Mystery to the back of the van. Slamming on the brakes, she pulled up in front of a run-down house with a lawn full of dead grass and weeds.

"Everybody out, we're getting him back in once piece! Stupid cults think they can just take Arthur and not suffer." She leaped out of the van, followed by the crew. Vivi was just running up the steps when the door swung open, and Arthur walked out.

Vivi stopped dead, eyes wide. "Arthur?"

Arthur stared at them, a little bewildered and blank-faced. "Just one episode…" He said, eye twitching. "I didn't believe them…"

Lewis fought hard to keep his composure as he folded his arms across his suit. "So, ah, Arthur. Love the, ah…. accessories. Gifts from, um… friends?"

"Friendship is magic." Arthur said hollowly, walking forward. A pair of pony ears sprouted from a plastic band over the top of his head, and a rainbow horse tail flowed from a waistband that read "Rainbow Rocks!" across the front.

"So is Arthur in danger or is he not in danger?" Callie demanded, pointing at him. "This does not make any sense, he is dazed, but unharmed, and I sense no spiritual sway over him but he appears to be possessed of horses!"

"I used to wonder what friendship could be." Arthur stared at them. "Just one episode guys… seriously… you have no idea…"

Vivi bit her lip, trying not to laugh. She'd been trying to get Arthur to watch the show for months. It WOULD take being kidnapped by some kind of weird friendly cult to get him to see it…


Note: JUST FOR THE RECORD. I like MLP. Friends with Bronies. But I'm not above poking friendly fun at them either. ;)

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