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Note: Anon Prompt: Arthur still wants to cuddle with his puppy even though he knows he's a kitsune? Post WTD?


His arm was his arm but it was not his arm. He could feel the muscles clench, his hand shooting out and slamming into Lewis.

Could see Lewis' face, eyes wide with horror, mouth open in a half scream, falling. The torch lighting his face. The spike splitting his chest.

The razor sharp teeth sinking into his shoulder, tearing his arm free. But he was free, he was himself, he was Arthur. But Lewis…

He bolted up in bed, bringing his right hand around to bite the knuckles hard. His body shuddered, and he kicked at the knotted sheets. They were drenched in sweat again. He took a few deep breaths around his knuckles, then put his hand away.

Light flashed in the corner of his room, and he started, turning in that direction. Streetlights glinted off a pair of yellow tinted glasses, and a soft bark came from the corner.

Just Mystery.

Arthur slumped back, relieved. He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated with himself. The nightmares weren't nearly as bad since Callie had healed his soul, but they still cropped up on occasion.

He reached over and felt the stump of his left arm, running his hand over the twisted skin. He could still recall his first glimpse of Mystery, the real Mystery. He hadn't had time to process it, stopping himself from bleeding out and escaping had taken priority. Then so many other things had happened in the last few months...

"Hey. Mystery." He called softly. "Can you come here?" He heard paws padding toward him, and felt his bed sag as Mystery hopped up, settling somewhere along the side of his legs. He could still see those little yellow glasses reflecting back at him, and the vague shadowy outline of the dog that had been with him all his life.

"Does it bother you?" He asked suddenly, staring intently at the glasses. "How we act around you. Like you're just one of us, and not a powerful demon spirit dog… fox… with seven tails?"

The glasses tilted to the side, and he could just imagine the irked expression on Mystery's face.

"I'm serious. Look, I don't think I'm ever gonna really understand what you are… or were… cause you've always just been my super smart dog that looked after me. Was always there for me." He hesitated. "And I guess… I'm worried it bothers you. Like we don't respect you enough."

The glasses tilted forward, and he heard a heavy sigh before they shifted from side to side. Mystery must have been shaking his head.

"No I don't respect you enough or 'No Arthur you big dumb idiot'?"

Mystery barked a short laugh, and then he felt Mystery butting his head against Arthur's chest, pushing him to lie back down before nestling under his right arm.

"No Arthur you big dumb idiot, okay, I got it." He wrapped his arm around Mystery, rubbing his fluffy stomach. He felt a wet tongue swipe his chin and smiled. Now he remembered. Mystery used to do this whenever he had nightmares as a child. He'd just curl up with Arthur until he drifted back to sleep.

But it means so much more, cause he's free, but he's still here.


In the opposite corner of the room, a blue gem burned from a sword hilt with an angry light. Mystery eyed it from his place at Arthur's side, unmoving, and bared his teeth warningly.

"Don't you warn me, demon dog. I am warning you. If you destroy this one too, I will end you. You forget, I watched your work undo everything. I am watching."

Mystery shut his eyes, burrowing his face into Arthur's side. There would be no sleep for him tonight. Only a parade of regrets looping endlessly in his mind until Arthur woke, reminding him that he hadn't completely failed...

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