Chapter 30

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Shaye paced back and forth questioning everything that had happened. Turner had left her. What confused Shaye were the words he told her. When the time comes, bring him back. Let him feel my pain and more Sam told her. It didn't make sense. Who was the "he" Sam was referring to? Who was the friend he said to save in the end? Shaye felt the last tear fall down her face. She wouldn't cry. Shaye sat on the ground. She couldn't leave this place. Maybe she would die from the silence. Maybe she would be here forever.

Shaye thought of Theodosia, Noelle, and her parents. She missed sailing on the sea with Theodosia. She had never felt such freedom like that before. She imagined the saltwater breeze flowing through her hair. Shaye wished she could have known even more about Noelle. Maybe if Shaye and she were closer, Noelle would have listened to her and Theodosia instead of Ansel. Shaye thought of dancing at the ball. She remembered a man lifting her off of her feet. She remembered dancing with him only. Shaye must have been drunk because she could not remember anything else about that night. She remembered going to Ansel's barn. Shaye tried remembering what had happened. Nothing filled in the missing gaps of time. She couldn't remember. She knew something must have gone wrong because she wouldn't have left the castle. She would have returned to her room and fell asleep. She was probably just being forgetful, Shaye told herself.


Noelle tried not to make contact with Killian. She knew it was wrong. Looking at Ansel riding him made her feel overwhelming guilt. Noelle prayed she was doing the right thing. She hoped Ansel was right, She hoped that Theodosia and Shaye didn't care. Then why did it hurt so bad when she left, not even saying goodbye to shaye? Ansel looked back at Noelle, noticing something was wrong.

"Hey, it's going to be ok," Ansel comforted Noelle.

"Did my father die? Or did he leave you?" Noelle asked riding right beside Ansel at a steady pace.

"He didn't die. Things were complicated."

"In what way, I can handle the truth you know," Noelle assured her mom.

Ansel stared at the great land in front of them. They were approaching the jungle. Ansel tilted her head down, staring at her hands. She tensed, then met Noelle's eyes.

"H-He is still alive," Ansel spoke quietly.

"Where is he? Who is he? What did he do to you?"

"It was a long time ago," Ansel mumbled.

"After I fought with Aelin in the war, I wanted to rebuild the Western Wastes. I didn't want to lose our kingdom in another war. We needed defenses so I tried getting some. I went to Skull's Bay to discuss with Rolfe ways we could work out an agreement where he would give me some ships and ammunition. I was dumb back then, I wasn't thinking. He said that if I helped him, he could help me. I agreed thinking he just wanted a favor later on or something. I didn't see natural light for a month. I never thought he would use me like that. It didn't take long before I became pregnant. I was 21 when I gave birth to you. I wanted to leave, take you with me but I had nothing. I had no money and no way back to Briarcliff. I stayed with him for maybe a year before I took you and ran away. We made it to Briarcliff maybe a few weeks later. I thought we had escaped, I thought I'd never see him again. I hoped I'd never look into his eyes again. But then I started getting sick again. I learned I was pregnant. I had sent a message to him by a messenger thinking it was the right thing to do. He should know he had another kid. It was a week later when 6 pirates took me. They tied me up and barely fed me for the weeks it took to get back to Skull's Bay. I couldn't have fought them if I tried. Rolfe locked me up again. He fed me scraps for 8 months. When I gave birth again, I thought he would let me go. I didn't think he wanted the child. I saw her for maybe two seconds before I was knocked out. I woke up on a carriage heading back to Briarcliff. You were gone when I returned."

Noelle knew what that had to mean. She never even considered it, never thought it was a possibility. Noelle shuddered as she revealed what she knew.

"Th-Theodosia is my sister," Noelle gasped trying to comprehend all the information that just poured on her. Theodosia had been there the whole time. Neither of them ever thought of the possibility of them being related.

Ansel looked as if she had been shot. Noelle knew the facts were hard to accept. Theodosia was Ansel's daughter. Theodosia was Noelle's sister. And Rolfe was Noelle's father. 

Sea Of Seagulls: A Pirate and Fae TaleWhere stories live. Discover now