Pt 53: wolves wolves wolves

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"Hey baby," I flirt as I stare Jasper in the eyes.

I couldn't help but bite my lip as his eyes watched my mouth. I had him exactly where I wanted him.

Laughter could be heard from the family behind us as Jasper stood his ground, being sure to quickly snap out of his lustful trance.

"Sophia," Jasper whispers, his voice husky, showing me just how much of an effect I was having on him. He couldn't hide it from me.

It would have been awkward, having both the family and the Pack watching me flirt with my mate, but to beat Jasper in combat, I would have done almost anything.

"Come now," Carlisle laughed, urging us to hurry up.

Using the interruption to his advantage, I felt the air around me surge as Jasper shot towards me, grabbing me by the waist. A strange instinct seemed to flow out of me as I spun my legs around him, holding him tight as I threw us backwards, Jaspers back slamming into the dirt floor.

I would have had him if it wasn't for the grip he had on me, as he spun us over, his body weight holding me in place as he held my hands above my head.

"You can feel the tension all the way from over here," Emmett sasses before grunting, obviously having been elbowed in the ribs my Rose.

"You like this, don't you?" I whisper to Jasper, my eyes starring sensually into his.

Jasper's grip weakened as my words distracted him from the task. Taking the opportunity, I ripped my hands from his grip, slamming my fists into his chest  as the wind leaves his lungs causing him to hunch over in pain.

Knowing he'd be okay, I decided to really have a little fun as I welcomed the tingle of my gift to spread over my skin, until my body glowed.

Knowing I was far ahead in the lead, I took a moment to watch the Pack as their heads moved to look at each other, many of them taking steps back into the trees.

"It's okay," I say loudly, as heads whip in the direction of my voice. "Invisibility is one of my gifts. I won't hurt you."

Watching as Jasper stands from the ground, his eyes look over to where my voice was coming from.

"You forget," Jasper starts, his voice loud and bold. "I can practically see your emotions..."

Using his words to my advantage, I use the time to sprint forward, jumping up into the tree above us as I watch Jasper pause suddenly, noting my movement.

He was right. He can sense where I am.

"But you forget," I say boldly also, as everybody's heads whip up into the trees, trying to get some idea of where I was. "I can also choose to block you out..."

"Brilliant" I could hear Bella whisper as she stood watching us from between Alice and Edward.

Jumping down from the tree, attempting to be as silent as I possibly could, I stood behind Jasper, his back to me as his eyes were still watching the trees above me.

Slowly, I grabbed his hand from beside him, entwining his fingers with mine.

I could see the smile wide on his face, as he turned around, his hands happily accepting mine. I allowed my gift to drop from me, as his eyes lit up at the sight of mine.

"I could have trapped you if I wanted to," I laugh, as one of his hands stroke my face.

"You already have," Jasper whispers as he pecks my lips.

I knew for a fact that the smile on my face wasn't going to leave any time soon. I was having the greatest fun.

"That was naughty," Jasper whispers, as he grabs my waist from behind.

"You loved it," I whispered, as I turned my head to kiss his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," He says with a smile.

"You're not fighting?" Jake sasses. "Did you pull a muscle or something?"

Edward, Jasper, Bella and I had arranged to meet Jake in the clearing so that we could share what the plan was for the fight.

Jasper's arms were around me tightly as I leant on him. I was absolutely and utterly obsessed with him.

"He's doing it for me, okay?" Bella explains, very clearly over Jake's attitude.

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan?" He retorts, ignoring Bella's frustration. 

"This field will give us an advantage in battle," Jasper starts, looking at Jacob bluntly. "We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent, but it needs to end here."

"Edward and I are going to a campsite," Bella interrupts. "Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scents."

"Your scent, however, is revolting," Edward insults, as I roll my eyes at him.

What a great way to get someone to do you a favour, I thought causing Edward to flinch at my words.

"Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks," Jacob sasses back.

"You both stink," I snap, looking between the both of them. "Get over yourselves."

"What he means," Bella interrupts, "is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me."

"Done," Jacob concludes as I let out a huff.

"See," I say, looking at Edward. "Easy."

"This is not a good idea," Edward replies bluntly, totally ignoring me.

"Edward," Jasper starts. "They won't want to get anywhere near his... odour."

I couldn't help but smirk at Jaspers choice of words as Bella moves towards Jacob.

"Okay, let's just try it," She says, gesturing for Jacob to pick her up.

I let out a deep breath as I watch Jacob's face, Jasper instinctively pulling me closer towards him as he watches the same.

"Eau de wolf comin' up," Jacob sasses.

"Run," Edward interrupts angrily, a snarl obvious as Jacob turns to run in the opposite direction.

"I dunno about y'all," I say slowly, watching as Jake runs into the woods, Bella in his arms. "But I already can't smell her."

"That's great," Edward snaps, as he turns to walk after them.

Grabbing Jaspers hand in mine, we follow after Edward as we start off into a bit of a run.

It didn't take a moment before we were caught up with Bella and Jake.

"All I could smell was wolf stench," Jasper informs us. "No Bella.... This will work."

"Great..." Edward snaps, as I look at him annoyed.

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