Pt 29: the Volturi

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Alice beeped hysterically as we weaved through the streets, trying not to hit the large crowds. 

"Move!" I yell, my head poked out of the window.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Bella asks, huddled into a ball as she attempted to distract herself from the overwhelming stress of the situation.

"San Marco's day festival," Alice says casually as if it was normal that the whole town was dressed in red capes. "They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city."

"How ironic..." I murmur.

"It is the perfect setting," Alice says. "The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself..."

"We have five minutes," Bella exclaims.

"It's okay, Belles," I tell her seriously. "I know you'll get to him beforehand."

"Soph's not wrong," Alice says. "Just breathe."

Suddenly, the car gets stopped by police, Bella jumping out of the car.

"Alice!" Bella exclaims.

"You're the only one he won't see coming," Alice says honestly. "If he sees us coming he'll think we're lying. He'll rush into it."

"Soph?" Bella begs. "I don't think I can do this."

"No, you can do this- it's Edward... Alice is right," I tell her seriously. "You really must go. We won't be far behind."

"But, where do I go?" Bella asks desperately.

"He'll be under the clocktower," Alice tells her. "Now go!"

Slamming the car door shut, Bella runs off into the crowd desperate to get to Edward. Climbing into the front seat, I turn to Alice.

"She'll be okay, right?" I ask.

"Of course," She tells me. "Let's go."

Alice and I took our time to get to the clocktower. I'm sure it helped that Alice most certainly new the fastest route there and it enabled us to not have to deal with a vast amount of people.

"You should probably stay out here," Alice tells me, as we stand outside the doors to the tower.

"Is Bella in there?" I ask her, as she nods her head hesitantly. "Then I'm going in there too. She wanted me here, so I'm gonna be here for every part of it- especially now."

With a hesitant nod, Alice opens the door before ushering me in, quickly following in suit before pulling off her headscarf and sunglasses.

"Come on, guys," Alice says as I rush over to Bella, smiling shortly at the surprised Edward. "It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene."

Looking over at the men Alice was talking to, I moved closer into Bella, guarding her against the two Vampires before us. If their muscular builds and burning red eyes weren't warning enough, the sickly vibe definitely was.

"We wouldn't," The biggest male vampire agreed, looking directly at Alice, not even registering my presence.

"Enough," A voice said from behind the two men.

Looking from where the sound came from, my eyes settled on short blonde girl, her eyes the same piercing colour that I had grown to detest. The female vampire oozed with intimidation and power- it was clear that everyone was terrified of her.

"Jane," Edward greeted shortly.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long," Jane responded bluntly, looking between Edward and Bella, noting Alice and then settling on my face.

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