59 // Tenya Iida // "Pictures"

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sending Iida *peach* pictures is a funny concept

===== (Y/N's P.O.V)

Me: babe

Iida: yes?

Me: pick a number between 1 and 10

Iida: why?
Iida: is this a game?

Me: maybe?
Me: can you just do it?

Iida: is there a right answer?

Me: maybe

Iida: well logically, it would be safest to pick 5
Iida: but the logical option does not seem like the correct answer

Me: no
Me: no logic
Me: just pick one

Iida: one?
Iida: is one the answer?

Me: you're so frustrating

Iida: i sincerely apologize
Iida: i pick the number 10
Iida: it feels like a number with the least amount of collateral

Me: good choice, my love

Iida: what does it mean?

Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*
Me: *1 attachment*

Iida: oh my
Iida: these are quite nice
Iida: you're wearing purple
Iida: purple is my favorite color on you
Iida: oh no

Me: oh no?

Iida: i would like to come over now

Me: you're always welcome

Iida: i quite appreciate this gesture Y/N
Iida: very much

Me: anytime my love. anytime.

Iida: i'm coming over now


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