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    Springtrap wasn't sure how the hell he had found where William was keeping you, but he had found you, which was all he cared about.
    "(Y/N)!" Springtrap exclaims, running to you. He quickly undoes the ropes holding your ankles and wrists, taking out the rag in your mouth as well. 
    Out of blood loss and exhaustion, you let yourself slump into Springtrap's arms. He manages to pick you up, though having to kind of sling you over his shoulder. He was silent as he hurriedly carried you out.
    "It's been raining," You say a bit quietly, startling Springtrap.
    "Y-Yeah," He says, speed-walking, trying to cover as much ground as possible away from where William had kept you. 
    You could smell the humidity and wetness of the air and plants surrounding you and Springtrap. It smelled better than bleach and the metallic smell of your own blood. 
    "Where are we?" You ask, feeling a bit dizzy. 
    "I-" A pause. "I don't know, really." Springtrap says, feeling bad. You nod, exhausted. You notice Springtrap frequently looking around, seeming nervous. You could tell why.
    "Thank you, Springtrap." 




    It had been about an hour until you and Springtrap first saw some cars along a road, Springtrap looking at them for a moment before continuing on. You were now on his back, him giving you a piggy-back ride as you slumped over his shoulder. You were still a bit too tired to really start up a conversation, but every now and then Springtrap would say something, though you didn't pay attention, drowsing in and out of an uneasy sleep. 
    Springtrap didn't seem to get tired of you being on his back.
    Strong. . . You think, knowing you weigh well over ninety pounds. Well, maybe you were a little light, considering the amount of blood you lost. . .
    "Where are we gonna go?" Springtrap sighs, mainly talking to himself. You shrug, hoping he could feel the movement. 
    "Knowing William, he's gonna find us no matter what. . ." A pause. "Especially now, since I found you." You nod tiredly, starting to drift again. Springtrap notices this and becomes silent, letting you drowse into another uneasy sleep.

    Springtrap continues walking, not sure where he was going. The sun was beginning to rise, making the sky a beautiful ombre of reds, grays, and oranges. He wished (Y/N) could see this, but he didn't want to wake him up, knowing he needed the sleep. Springtrap decides he would tell (Y/N) about it once he wakes up. 
    He knew everything wasn't okay, so why was he staring at sunrises? He should be getting as far away as possible. 
    Springtrap sighs, beginning to walk again. (Y/N) wasn't very heavy, so it didn't tire him to carry him around, though his legs were starting to burn. He was used to it. 
    Springtrap smiles, remembering the old days, where he was still an animatronic. He began to wonder what happened to Fredbear, maybe he ascended? Springtrap smiles to himself again. 
    You would've liked (Y/N), Goldie. Springtrap remembers how much he hated to be called Fredbear, never even Fred. Just Goldie. 
    Springtrap started to wonder if he still loved strawberry Mentos. Well, he loved the scent of them. He never tried to eat one, he just liked smelling them. Springtrap never knew why. 
    He began to feel a bit lonely, with (Y/N) asleep. But it felt nice to have (Y/N) back again, even if he was passed out on his back. He was walking along side a road, cars passing by and sometimes people. It was around noon, Springtrap estimated, looking up at the sky. He was hungry, but he could wait. 




    William walked back inside, expecting to see (Y/N).
    "Hello, (Y/N)-" William cuts himself off, not seeing you in the chair. It looked as if the ropes had been cut off. William walked up to the chair, spotting the knife that laid on the ground next to the chair. Some of the dried up blood had been wiped off, probably from the ropes. 
    William sighs.
    "This'll be fun,"


    You had finally woken up, finding yourself laying next to Springtrap. You were underneath a tree, Springtrap sitting against the trunk with his knees against his chest. You got up, groaning as various joints popped. Springtrap jerked awake, his eyes wide for a moment. You look down, a bit awkward until Springtrap rams himself onto you in a hug. You balance yourself with your hand, using the other to hug him back. 
    "Is your arm and neck ok?" Springtrap asks, pulling you away from him to examine your arm. 
    "I'm fine," You say reassuringly, even though the gashes were beginning to throb. They had most likely already closed, considering you felt fine and you couldn't feel any blood soak into the bandages. Springtrap lets go of your arm, his stormy eyes still clouded with concern. You sigh, running your fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) hair. It felt oily and dirty. 
    "William probably already knows. . ." Springtrap says, trailing off. You look around, nothing seems familiar to you. 
    "For how long did you walk?" You ask, looking at Springtrap. 
    "I don't know, actually." He says, nervously frowning. 
    "Should we call the police?"
    "They won't believe us. 'Hey, William Afton is trying to kill my boyfriend.'" Springtrap says, still frowning. You sigh, knowing how ridiculous that would sound. 
    "I don't even have my phone. . ." You mumble, feeling a bit useless. Springtrap pulls his out, trying to turn it on.
    "I have mine, but it won't turn on," He says, looking a bit frustrated. 
    "It's probably dead, Springtrap." You say, nodding when it doesn't turn on. "Yeah."
    "We could go to a police station?" He suggests, and you nod.
   "Yeah, we should." You say, getting up stiffly. He does the same, stretching. Springtrap grabs your hand, now starting to walk. He looks at you, grinning.
    "Don't wanna lose ya again," He says, squeezing your hand for a moment. 


Author's Note:

i feel bad now for how ch20's gonna be (':
yall are gonna hate me smh

Updates are going to be slow, because school, and I need to work on my mental health. But I wanna let y'all know that I will NOT abandon SYSTEM GLITCH or I Hate You.
(I Hate You is on hold until SYSTEM GLITCH is finished)

anyways, i love you all and thank you so much for reading!

~ Springtrap

CLARITY | Springtrap x Reader (Male)Where stories live. Discover now