5k Special Alt Ending

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The pain was unbearable for a short while, but it slowly turned to numbness. You were stuck in a dark void of numb, the only thing present was a warmth against cold and a pressure against you. It felt nice and familiar. 

But it soon went away, the warmth was ripped from you and so was the pressure. You were left cold, alone and numb. It was worse than the searing, hot pain that engulfed your body days ago. It felt like it happened days ago but you had a feeling it was only minutes, maybe hours. 

You found that you couldn't remember anything, not even your own name. Nothing. Your head was empty. 

Suddenly, everything began to come rushing back. 






The gun shots.

Was Springtrap okay? You hoped and prayed he was okay. You couldn't do anything, stuck in this dark void. You felt lonely and cold again, memories of Springtrap swirling around in your mind. You could hear voices in the distant, the only things you could pick up were "paralyzation," "he was with him," "gun shots," and "he was arrested." 

Who was arrested?


And who was paralyzed? 

A sudden, creeping shiver traveled into your body. 


You were probably paralyzed. Is that why you couldn't move? Had the bullet been planted in your spine? You didn't know, and the thought of not knowing was scarier than the thought of being paralyzed. 

That warm pressure was back, this time a hand holding your's, a soft voice begging you to wake up. 

But you couldn't.

You tried.

And tried.

But you couldn't even move. 

How were you supposed to wake up when you couldn't even move? You didn't know. More voices followed the one begging you, but the comforting pressure stayed, which you were grateful for. 

Those moments left in the cold and lonely void were horrible, and you were happy that the warmth was back. You began to drift off again, which seemed to be impossible a few minutes ago. You welcomed the feeling, and it quickly overtook your senses. 

It felt nice.

You suddenly jolted awake, scared by a loud beep. You looked around.

This wasn't the dark void you were previously in. You were in a hospital. You couldn't feel your entire lower body which was semi-annoying. 

But more importantly; you look to the side, seeing Springtrap sitting there, asleep, his head in your lap and his hand in yours. You reach over to gently stroke his head. You crane your neck to see a large brace on Springtrap's leg.

That's right, he had been shot too. Thank God it wasn't anywhere vital. 

A nurse comes in with a clipboard, seemingly shocked to see you awake and gazing at Springtrap.


A year after everything that had happened, everything finally seemed to calm down a little. You and Springtrap were in therapy, though it was hard getting used to being in a wheelchair, you managed. Springtrap had a small limp as well, but he never mentioned any discomfort or complaints about it. 

You smiled as you looked down at your hand, a marriage ring on your finger. 

Springtrap had proposed a month ago, but had so much trouble getting on one knee it made you both cry of laughter. You both had agreed on a silent wedding, nothing big to attract attention. Your parents and friends knew and were fine with that (though some complaints from your mother). You were content with this life, even though you were probably going to spend the rest of it with a traumatized, shy human spirit and stuck in a wheelchair, you didn't mind. You didn't even care. 

It was over. All of the pain and terror was over and you and Springtrap were finally able to live happily together. 

Though Springtrap was still grasping onto the idea of LGBTQ and thinking that it was perfectly normal to be with another male. It was funny sometimes, Springtrap getting flustered and confused when someone gives him a weird look or your female friends having a field day about it. 

Springtrap suddenly hugs you, latching onto you tightly. 

"Another flashback?" You question softly, hugging back. You feel him nod. 

His therapist had told you what to do in these situations, which you already had an idea of what to do. Just hold him for as long as he needed. You knew these times were hard on him, but you enjoyed the extra affection. 

Springtrap picks you up and sits down with you, cuddling into you.

"You know you're gonna have to put me back in the Wheels of Death, right?" You say, stroking his head. 

"I'm fine with that." He replies, curled up and content. 

"I love you, Y/N." You choke on your words when he says that. You still weren't used to it yet, and it still made you feel like a teenage girl. 

You hold on tighter to Springtrap.

"I love you too."

CLARITY | Springtrap x Reader (Male)Where stories live. Discover now