ch. 4

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The day creeped by and soon enough I was sitting next to Jay at her friends lunch table. We were all debating on who's the most cringeworthy internet 'celebrity' when I noticed Danny's face dropped as he looked behind me and Jay. Before I could look back she stood up and I heard Esme curse lowly. "Not this bitch again," I turned around to lay eyes on Jay hugging a pretty girl wearing a skirt and a tee shirt. The image made my eye twitch, either in disgust or something else the feeling was negative nonetheless. But relief came over me when I turned to see the rest of the group were looking at them the same way.

I scoot my chair next to Esme and leaned in close to her, "Who is that?" I faked confusion at the groups clear distaste for the girl. "That's Hannah, she's Jordan's 'girlfriend', if that's what you'd even call a girlfriend." Dalia heard us and pitched in, "Her and Jordan have been on and off since freshman year. All she does is manipulate and just treat Jordan like trash but she keeps going back." They both shake their head in disappointment. Before I could ask why Esme continued. "We've tried getting her to leave her alone but she just won't listen. That bitch has been caught with other people like three times, but she'll just say it's because she needs 'space' and they'll go on another one of their breaks." I nodded as I listened intently.

"She has no problem cheating but if she even sees Jordan showing interest in anyone but her, all hell breaks loose. But what doesn't make sense is how Jordan puts up with her. The whole situation is fucked and we're all waiting for the big disaster when they finally split up for good." They finished with the boys nodding in agreement and as if on queue, I heard her voice.

"And who's this? Hi, I'm Hannah." My eyes widened at her reaching her hand out to me. She seemed so kind and genuine, I looked at the group and they gave me something of a 'Yeah, that's how good she is,' look. If I didn't get a quick recap of what a garbage person she is I wouldn't have guessed it. Not at first anyway. "Hi, I'm Billie." I shook her hand and glanced at Jay. She almost looked uncomfortable at Hannah's 'genuine' introduction. After we shook hands she asked to talk to Jay privately. She shrugged and let Hannah pull her towards the bathroom.

After a couple more minutes of talking with everyone I noticed lunch was gonna be over soon and my next class is the one without Jay and I needed to copy her notes.

After excusing myself from the table, I left to the bathroom Jay was dragged to. I was about to turn the corner when I heard them arguing.

"Why do you do this shit? Don't you ever get tired of being so fucking negative?" I heard Jay grit out angrily. I stood against the wall listening, I personally hate nosy people but since it involved Jay I decided to be a nosy person for a few minutes. "Do what? All I'm saying is I don't want you to be friends with her. Why can't you just do this for me?" I scoff quietly at her 'sympathetic' tone. I hear Jay do the same which made me crack a smile.

"And who are you to tell me who I can and can't be friends with? I've never once tried to control who your friends are. Even after I caught one of your 'friends' between your legs so don't try to act insecure now when you'll go and do the same shit you're scared of me doing." Hannah had to be standing in shock due to the loud silence that came afterwards.

I decided I've heard enough and walked into the bathroom. They both shut up when they saw me and tried acting like they weren't just arguing. "Hey, B, what's up?" Jay sent me a smile and so did Hannah but I managed to tell hers was fake this time. "Hey, I was wondering if I could borrow your notebook for next period so I could copy your notes? If that's okay?" She nodded and opened her bag, "Oh, yeah sure. Chemistry and English from this morning right? Here." she handed me a black notebook with a palm tree doodled on it in silver ink. I smiled at the little cute drawing and so did Jay when she seen me staring at it.

"Okay, thanks. I'll give it back when I see you on the bus, alright?" I slid the notebook in my backpack before putting it back on. She smiled and nodded, "Sounds like a plan, B." I turned to leave the bathroom after waving bye at Jay and Hannah too since I knew she already didn't like me. I smile at the thought of her meeting me and not even five minutes later she registered me as a threat. Why else wouldn't she want Jay around me? That gave me the confidence boost I needed to go into this last class alone.

I sat in the empty seat closest to the back of the classroom and took out Jay's notebook along with mine. I opened it to stare at her clean handwriting. It suited her, if that made any sense. Clicking my pen, I started copying the words written on the page with the whole thing I just witnessed playing back in my mind. Who does she think she is trying to control Jay like that?

My brows contorted with disgust until I really thought about it. Would Jay leave me alone if it came down to it? If Hannah ended up making her choose between us? It seemed like a low, pathetic thing she'd do. No, Jay wouldn't, she's too good to do that. I hope. I shook my head at how Hannah had me doubting Jay. It just made me hate her more.

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