Chapter 13

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Okay, so some changes have been made. Blair only has 4 periods now. 1st period she has AP American Government, 2nd is now with Axel, her science class, 3rd is her math class with Kase AP Calculus AB, then finally AP English Literature and Composition. She would have taken less but because of her sophomore year, she missed a lot of school because of mental health reasons. I'll be going back through the story and changing it to fit the new points.

My first period went by pretty uneventfully. Except for science; of course, because Axel kept trying to talk to me. He reminded me of a hamster, no matter what happened to them they never seem to die.

At the moment I was sitting in my AP English Literature and Composition clicking my pen over and over again. Not able to pay attention to the class at all, to focus on the clock on the wall. The minute hand got closer and closer to 12:46. Meaning I had to go to some random place with the most controversial and attention-grabbing boys in my town, I know this because my town isn't that big!

Not wanting to annoy my other classmates any further I started scratching my arm underneath my hoodie. Passing uneven lines of skin at times from cuts that were too deep, leaving scars. I nibbled on my lip tasting blood as I broke the skin on my chapped lips.

Maybe I can pretend to have an epilepsy attack. But I don't want to be sent to the hospital because they thought it was real. I could make myself vomit, but I doubt it would work. I'm not sure if it is my own body's build-up or my mental intolerance to vomiting but I can not force myself to vomit for some reason. And I've tried, when I couldn't even make myself leave my bed I would try to make myself look ill. Never worked.

The skin on my forearm started to burn and I peeked under the sleeve to see it was already turning red. My nails also seemed to have nicked some areas of skin too, having little blotches of blood. Not wanting to trigger myself, I switched to biting my nails. Another bad habit I needed to stop.

Too quickly the clock hit and the bells filled the school, signaling the end of the day. Kids jumped out of their seats ready to go home. I dragged myself up as if my feet were stuck in quicksand or weights were tied to my body.

Surprisingly unsurprising Tempest came over to me, in all his quiet mysteriousness. I looked up at his blank expression and released a breath. I signaled him forward with a wave of my hand. Not wanting to feel any more like a prisoner being walked to death row anymore than I already did.

"You know you don't have to walk with me. I can tell you find this just as annoying as I do." I grumbled to Tempest. Not even sure if he was listening or if I could even persuade him to leave.

He glanced down at me and gave a small almost unnoticeable shake of his head. "Zane said I had to because you would run away." He informed me with his deep husky voice. I sucked in my cheeks at the new obstacle, and in slight annoyance that he knew I would run.

The whole walk I kept glancing at Tempest's towering frame from the corner of my eye. Continuously trying to slow my pace and shrink into myself, to the point I was walking bent over. Trying to make myself so small I rivaled the Hunchback of Notre Dam.

What was even worse than the back problems I was going to get was everyone's stares. The hoodie covered most of my face and I've stayed mainly in the background for the past years so not many should know me. But I hated the feel of their eyes on me. Logically I knew that no one was staring at me and if they were it was most likely Tempest. But even though I knew that it didn't stop the chills running down my spine and the racing of my pulse.

I was about to run but then noticed Zander and the rest of the guys. Damn it, they already saw us. Zander was waving Tempest over adding the final nail to the coffin. Releasing a deep sigh I resigned myself to my fate.

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