Chapter 3

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Unlocking the door I tip toed into the house. Locking it, I slipped off my shoes. I rubbed my hand up and down my face I groaned. Today's been a ride.

Walking to my room I shut my door and flicked on my light. The yellow tinged light illuminated my room.

The black and grey bed, wooden desk, dresser and night stand. Some of my clothing was scattered on the floor, but not enough to make me want to clean it.

Grabbing my backpack, I threw it and myself onto my bed.

Today has been one of the most stressful days of my life. Okay, maybe not. But it's been one of the most stressful I've had in a while.

I unzipped my bag and pulled out my binder. Now I have to do my homework. I looked over at the red numbers on my clock. It was 9:06 pm.

This really sucks. I put in my headphones to listen to music while working. Taking out my math, science, art, Avid and language arts homework I began.

When I finally finished my homework it was 10:54 pm. That was faster then yesterday's work.

I stacked the papers and books and laid them on my night stand.

I went into my bathroom and washed my face. I relaxed me before bed. I don't wear makeup but washing it makes me feel like I'm taking off the mask I'm wearing.

I'm revealing the monster that lies beneath my skin. Which usually has eye bags and red marks.

I brushed my teeth and used the bathroom too, just hygiene. I went to the kitchen and made myself a glass of water. Then finally, I proceeded back to my room.

Turning off my light and setting the water down I curled up into my bed. The fan was on high as usual, so there was a light ticking sound in the background.

Relaxing I closed my eyes, letting blissful nothingness wash over me.

My alarm went off and I shot out of bed. I'm sort of a grumpy morning person. In better words a light sleeper.

I go to sleep hard, but the more time passes the more awake I become. So, I usually wake up before my alarm and have to force myself back to bed.

Overall getting up is okay for me. I just need food and a shower before I'm an actual human being.

Walking out of my room I bump into dad. "Oh, sorry dad." I wiped the grogginess out of my eyes.

"It's okay Blair. Have a good day at work." He patted my head and walked off. He was dressed in his nice clothing. A white button up shirt and tie. Then a pair of expensive slacks.

I gave him a small smile and watched him leave. He usually is gone before I wake up so that's weird.

Shrugging it off I went to the bathroom to shower.

I wrapped a towel around my hair and fixed my shirt. After, I headed to the kitchen to make myself some food.

I opened the fridge and grabbed two toaster strudels. I'm way to lazy to actually try to make myself something this early in the day.

Putting them in the toaster for three minutes i headed to the living room. Turning on Netflix I put on Glee. I've watched it like four times already, but fives a charm.

I grabbed my dark blue hoodie from the spot on the couch and put it on. It felt like protection for me, like I was naked without it.

I heard the pop of the toaster and grabbed the frosting. It's not a good toaster strudel without the gross ting.

Once my meal was ready i see a timer for when I have to leave. It sucks working on a Saturday, but my family needs the money, okay in better words I need it.

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