Chapter 5

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I'm laying in bed at 11 pm. Planning on getting a good night's sleep before school tomorrow. But just like I predicted all those things from today haunted me. No, not just today. The whole fucking month.

Stress and anxiety are me up. I grabbed my phone and played Anson Seabron songs. They sloth me for some reason. I think it's because I can relate in my own way.

'That's Us' was on. I closed my eyes and listened. Letting the music soothe my raging mind. I hummed quietly to myself and sand the lyrics.

Then I opened Wattpad and pulled up some books.

I can take the fall the pain the pleasure
And you can take it all, for worse, for better,
But oh, what if we're wrong
What if we're not all that we've thought

I listened to my whole Spotify playlist for sadist, slow love songs. Because a lot of slow songs are about love.

I still didn't fall asleep. Maybe for short periods of time but not really. I got up and went to the kitchen. We had a medicine cabinet.

I went through it looking for Mom's old sleeping pills. She suffered from severe anxiety and a lot of other stuff. Well, we clearly know who I got it from.

Her drugs were intense because of all her 'problems'. I found them and grabbed one. The dosage is two but those fuckers are strong.

I took it and looked at the clock. 2 am. Not bad. I get up around 6:30 maybe later. I set up a bunch of alarms at full volume. I know what'll happen with these things.

I put my music back in and closed my eyes. Slowly I felt the numbness take over and I was out.

There was sound disturbing my dream. I ignored it but it kept happening. It'll stop then happen later.

Slowly I rose from my slumber. I was insanely groggy. That what usually happens when I take those drugs.

I stretched and went to take a quick shower. I got dressed in ripped black jeans and a black hoodie. I put on mascara and eyeliner. Not caring about anything else really.

I made myself tea today, I just want the caffeine but not coffee. I made myself a bagel and skimmed my emails.

I only have five people in my contacts and I only text one of them. So I don't see the point of looking through it too long. My mom, Dad, aunt, and grandma and work.

Dad left me a message reading "good morning." I sent him one back then exited out. I went to YouTube to see if I have any replies and to watch videos.

I did that for a few minutes before grabbing my bag and heading out. I started my car and drove to school. I always made sure to come a bit earlier.

Get a good parking spot. Then I chill there until all the kids come. So it's easier to blend in with the crowd. When a lot of people filled in I got out.

I had my headphones in and ignored my surroundings. I was walking to the library like I usually go to. Then I spotted Heath and his friends standing right next to the door.

Tempest had his hood up, his lip piercing catching the light of the sun. Kase had his usual don't come close to us aura but was talking to his friends. Zander and Heath were being their usual dramatic selves. Axel was smiling and getting along with the group as usual.

Why the fuck are they in front of the library? They've never done that before. Fuck Heath thinks I go to another school, Axel thinks I'm a dude, Zander thinks I'm an intriguing bitch and Tempest thinks that... well I don't really know but I do know I have a class with him.

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