Chapter 26

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Tris' POV :)

My eyes jerk open and the blinding light above me penetrates my pupils. My body soon follows the reaction of my eye lids and jerks but arms hold me down. I am vaguely aware that there are things sticking to my head and a metal restraints around my waist.

"Let me go!" I say.

"Tris?" It's Chrisitna's voice.

I feel the metal restraint open and I sit up, shoving away the arms that are holding me down. I rip of the electrode wires that are attached to either side of my temple and the one that is on my chest underneath my shirt.

"You guys are alive!" Christina shouts.

"What happened?" Will asks.

I look around the room. There are 7 metal 'beds' that are arranged in a circle so that the way we lay down all our heads were close together. A computer was in the middle where all our wires met up, connecting every single person to the machine. My friends look as dazed and confused as I am.

"Try to remember," Evelyn says.

"Remember what? Our kidnapping? That ridiculous killing machine?" I say.

"It was a test. A simulation designed to get worse every time. It was designed for you to fail. You all knew that going in to it. You were knocked out at the mansion to see your body response, to see your senses and if they reacted fast enough. You all passed that. Then you were brought here where we sat you all down and explained the test to you. You all knew it was a test and that people were going to die in the simulation," Evelyn explains.

"Remember the puppy that was killed? You knew it was a test that's why on some level you didn't care that it was gone. But all that changed when Tris died," she says.

All eyes turn to me and all I could do was look down to the ground to avoid eye contact with everyone. I just put my friends into serious danger even in a simulation.

"In the event of Tris' death Christina momentarily forgot that she was in a simulation and because you were all connected to each other you all forgot too. It was designed to eliminate the 'leader' of the pack the one who was making the decisions and it was trying to see how you would cope with the loss of your friends and without someone to follow. Will and Al's simultaneous deaths was a mishap that was not meant to happen," she says

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I-I-I didn't mean to," Christina says starting to cry.

"Chris it's alright," Uriah says.

"Any one of us would have reacted that way if someone died," Lynn says reassuringly.

I look up and make eye contact with her and give her a reassuring smile.

"The problems didn't end there. Tris should have woken up upon her passing in the simulation but through Christina's belief it influenced the entire group to believe that Tris had really passed. She too began to believe that she had died and began to slip into a coma and so did the others with their deaths. There was no way to revive any of you, pulling the wires would make you comatosed so I sent Tori in," Evelyn says.

I didn't notice Tori standing on the edge of the circle.

"Is that why you stabbed me?" Christina asks. Stabbed her?

"I was sent in and connected to the wires to get you and Uriah out. But when I got in there I couldn't remember my purpose because I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of emotions that you have accumulated over the deaths of your friends. If I wasn't careful I would have ended up exactly the same as you," Tori says.

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