Chapter 9

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"Finally it is about damn time you got here Tris! I think I might have grown a couple of grey hairs just waiting for you. And I think I may have lost some of my tan! This mocha skin ain't getting any darker waiting around for you," Christina says after I finish barging through the door panting.

"Sorry I got... caught up in somethng," I decided to say after choosing my words carefully.

"Oh Trissy, we know, we heard Four breathless on your end of the conversation," she says winking and nudging Will who is smirking while looking at his computer screen. 

I feel my cheeks going red so I decide to change the subject, "So what did you find?"

"This," Will says.

On his screen is a clearer image of the guy who swiped our ID's and freed Peter and hired Eric. He's a tallish guy, brown hair and looks very familiar. Unfortunately the image wasn't clear enough to reveal his actual face but now we are able to prove that it wasn't the two of us. 

"I don't get what his angle or motive is... I haven't created any enemies in the past year that I've been here, have you Chris?" 

"Nope although I do have a bit of arguments every now and then with the make up and costumes department," she says.

Will and I look at each other and then at her.

"What? I'm sorry but they tried to make me wear a mustard yellow full length dress once. I can't go walking out in public looking disgusting like that people will see me," she says.

"That's my girl, tough as cotton balls," Will says rolling his eyes.

I supress a laugh when Marlene bounds into the room.

"Hey guys Four, Uriah and Zeke have Peter under interrogation and he's about to get beat, wanna come and watch?" she says excitedly.

"Does dauntless cake taste like heaven?" Will asks.

Then we all rush out of the room to go and see this interrogation. 

---------------page break--------------------

We waltz into the viewing area where we have those awesome one way mirrors where we can see out but they can't see in. When we arrive we see that seats have been set up, Max sits infront closest to the mirror with Tori and Amar on either side of him. Behind them Shauna, Marlene, Lynn and Al are sitting sharing popcorn with each other, nudging and laughing at each other everytime Peter flinches from one of Four's pretend slaps. My guess the trio of boys in there are playing Good Cop, Bad Cop and Dumb Cop (By the way I just made that up because I wanted the three of them in there at once) 

Shauna waves us over and the three of us take a seat behind the girls and Al. We can hear everything going on in the room a lot of it consists of Peter grunting and groaning after Four slaps him. 

"Who are you working for?" Four asks.

"I told you that it is a deep dark secret, right Four? I'm sure you would understand that some things are meant to stay hidden," says Peter.

"Okay then buddy, who is your employer? The one who got you out, what was his name? Con and labels esteem bureau who is the master mind behind that. Tell you what if you give us the answer we want I'll tell the T-1004 to stop slapping and punching you," Zeke says in a gentle voice. I swear he reserves that kind of voice for Shauna alone. 

"If you don't answer you'll be a pansycake and Four here will hit you," Uriah says with a smile.

"Fine. And this is only because I don't want your T-1004 to smash my face, I would like to date someday if you don't mind," Peter says, while Uriah is seriously trying to supress his laughter," There are two guys the boss and his two underdogs. One of the underdogs is doing this because the Boss has a way of hurting the families of his workers. The other underdog is rumoured to be undercover. It was their job to take out Tris at Miss United States but they flipped and that's when I got arrested. Bastard blew it. So the Boss's underdog let me out of prison to finish the job otherwise he kills a family member."

Agent Tris PriorWhere stories live. Discover now