The Accident

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Liza's POV

Aiden, Helene, and I got into Aiden' s precious car and drove off.

"Why we're you late?  You don't usually stick around after school and you were in there a good 20 minutes, I'd say."

Aiden was worried about Helene.  Of course he would, he's had this gigantic crush on her since the 9th grade.  Helene had a crush on him her whole life.

I'm best friends with both of them, so I know these things.  (I read Helene's diary and I used "gentle persuasion" to get Aiden to admit his crush on her)

Helene looked up from her writing and she thought about what she was going to say.  She does that a lot. 

"The sub for Mrs. Satire wanted to discuss myths and asked if I thought that they could have existed."

"And what did you say?"  I asked.  I wanted to know, because I still believe in fairy tales.  What can I say?

"That all myths and legends could have been real and that they have done fact in them."

"What about unicorns?" Aiden asked jokingly.

"Unicorns exist!  Don't you dare crush my childhood dreams!"  They really did exist.  Don't you dare say otherwise.

"Scientist have not found any remains that prove that they don't exist.  They could have found a hidden cave that opens up to a hidden valley.  There could have been a great flood and they evolved.  Narwals are called the unicorns of the sea.  Scientists believe that when people in medieval times saw a unicorn, they actually saw a rhinoceros."

Smart answer.

What about mermaids?" Aiden asked oh so smartly.

"Just because there isn't any evidence didn't mean that mermaids don't exist.  The ocean is huge and deep and much undiscovered.  Mermaids could live somewhere in the ocean.  Think about all the mysterious shipwrecks.  Sirens in the stories lull sailors to their deaths with their song.  So they could have moved into the Bermuda Triangle.  That is the most unexplainable area in the ocean.  So yeah, mermaids could exist."

I looked over her shoulder.  She was already done with her homework!  "I wish I was as smart as you."

"Liza, you may not be as book smart as me, but you're street smart."

"Yeah, she knows what street she lives on."

"Says the boy who has no parents."

Aiden looked really ticked off.  "Now wait a minute!  I-"

Helene then decided to jump in.  "All right children, shots are fired, some more cruel than others," she glared at me, "but let's not let this get in the way of our friendship.  I mean we have a good thing going, don't we?  A lot of things in common?"

Aided stopped at stop sign.  He sounded bored. "Not really, we argue over anything, have nothing in common, we are constantly in each others business, anything else you want to add, FireLiz?"

"Nope.  I'm good and don't call me that!"  I hate that stupid nickname.  I got that name from setting things on fire.

Helene put her books in her backpack.  "Oh come on, guys.  We have things in common.  Like our mutual distane for Charlotte, the fact that the school sucks, and the fact that we are going to get out of here and travle the world like we planned."

Aiden and I nodded in agreement.  

"Oh my God, teenagers drive like complete morons!"  Outbursts like these when Aiden was driving were natural.  And it is true that teenagers drive like idiots.  Last winter, a bunch of nitwits were speeding and cut us off and then slid into a snow bank.  Four of the football players got out and they tried to push the car out of the snow bank.

The video went viro anonymously on Youtube.

After waiting on buses and morons with a drivers lisence for what felt like an eternity, Aiden let out a sigh of relef and pulled out on the street.

Then right out of nowhere, a huge black truck came into our lane and hit us head on.

Well, crap.

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