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Helene's POV

We walked for miles. I honestly thought that we were going in circles.

"Why don't you admit that we are lost?"  I was tired, I was sore, I was stuck with Aiden, and I have no memory of arriving here or the ride home.  Must have fell asleep.  But why did I feel so much pain?

"Helene, do you really think that I am stupid enough to get us lost in a forest that may go on forever?"  He looked over his shoulder and smirked at me.

I have him a look that made him remember every idiotic thing he had done over the years. Example number 1, he set my hair in fire when I was nine, example number 2, he dropped a toad down the back of my shirt.  Example number 3, he dressed up as Batman and he ran around the neighborhood yelling, "Nananananananana BATMAN!"

"Besides, my dad's home is right over this ridge."

"You were found in the woods me in 1995.  You were a three and a half year old boy, how do you remember your dad?  Much less this Narnialike world?" 

He stopped and turned to face me.  His eyes held thousands of years inside.  That's impossible.  He's 21!  "Helene, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."  What was he getting at?

"My father can explain this better than I can but, here it goes.  You are the lost princess of Mylantis.  You sent through a portal conjoured by the most powerful wizard to ensure your safety.  I went through to protect you from danger because you were just born and would have been helpless.  Your kingdom is destroyed and the survivors most likely have taken refuge with my kind.  You may choose not to believe me but what I told you is true."

His story is so far fetched.  But then again, we were magicaly transported to this magic world.  We have been through everything together.  Why would Aiden lie to me?  He has always told me the truth even though it hurts.

"I believe you."  I realy did.  I started walking again, though I didn't feel as sore as before.

"You do?  That's great.  You're taking this better than I thought you would."  He smiled and led the way again.  A true happy, care-free smile.  He only seemed to give them to me.

"We're in a magical forest.  You mentioned wizards, why not?  I take it that your name is not Aiden, then?"  Hey I was curious.

"No, it's really Ayred.  Aiden is Earths form of Ayred.  You can still call me Aiden if you want."  

"What is this worlds version of Helene?"  

"Helene is not your name.  In fact, no one knows your name.  Your father was killed in battle with The Beast, and your mother died shortly after your birth, the only one who knows that is alive is Naya'id.  She could tell you but only on her conditions."

"Conditions?  It's my name!"  What the heck?  Ayred helped me up a hidden pathway that snaked up a steep hill. I decided to call him Ayred.  It sounded nice.

"There are many people who would kill to find out about your name.  Naya'id is only alive because no creature, human, or monster would dare kill her."

"What is she?"  Who would be alive because they cannot be killed?

"You'll meet her.  I met her once and she was really nice to me.  Then again I was only two years old when met her, so her attitude might have changed."

"How old are you now?"  Curosity was getting the better of me.

"Uh...About 903 years old."

"Holy shit, Ayred! Are you messing with me?"  My best friend is 903 years old.  I don't know what to do with that information.

"Watch it potty mouth, I'm serious.  I will explain later when we are at my father's house."

"You look twenty-one!"  What is he?  Time Lord from Gallifrey?  Elf of Middle Earth? I bet he's an elf.  I nearly slipped when he grabbed my hand.

"Well I do my best.  Seriously, let's talk about it later."

"Why? Danger?"  I looked around.  I felt cold.

"Yes."  He grabbed my hand and whispered run.  

We ran up the remainder of the hill with difficulty.  I didn't look behind me, but I heard the worse snarl and it gave me shivers and almost stopped my heart.  I almost collapsed because of an almost dead heart.  Ayred carried me bridal style up the remainder of the hill.  We got over the hill and there was a path along the cliff.

"We just need to get around the bend up ahead."  Ayred did not let go of my hand.  

I heard waterfalls ahead.  I looked over the edge of the cliff and I didn't see any bottom.  We got around the bend and the snarling faded.  We stopped running and caught out breath.

"Do you want to know why you almost collapsed back there?"

I nodded my head.

"That was a Furia.  They bring death to those that hear their snarl.  You heard their snarl and lived.  Not many people can do that."

"Did you hear it?"  Was I suposed to die?

"No.  I saw shadows and I felt heat greater than fire."

"I felt cold."  

He was silent for a few minutes while we took a rest stop.  Five minutes later, I felt better and Ayred stood up.  "Come on.  I want to introduce you to my dad."

Please read and leave a comment.  I just want to know what is in your lovely heads.  If you made it this far, you are wonderful readers. 
Thank you. 

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