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Light shaking awoke L/N as she pried her eyes open. She stared at another guard from upstairs looking at her, slightly nervous. As she sat up on her futon, L/N looked around to see the other three in the cell were still asleep, D/N and R/N chained on the wall while M/N was curled up in a ball in the corner.

"What is it soldier?" L/N whispered firmly, to not wake up the other three.

"Orders from the higher ups," the boy handed the deer a scroll and promptly left, shutting the door behind himself, leaving the cell back in its original state of darkness.

L/N lit up the singular torch in the cell, letting the light shine through and Quickly shook the other three awake. Sharing new orders was a must in the cell, the information inside the scroll could be useful to the others in a way.

"Alright, up, up, up!" she pushed M/N into a sitting position. "We got new orders from the higher ups!"

D/N groaned cracking her neck as she awoke, letting the chains rattle as she stretched. R/N sat patiently, ears twitching every so often. M/N played with the bloody bandages that cover her hand, her hand numb and unmoving. L/N sat down and opened the scroll, smoking as she read over it to the other three.

"Dear cell 832, as of recent news, it has come to my attention that you all have been working hard to better the facility. Because of this I am willing to give you all the day off today, relax and come to culinary bay 17 for your meals of the day. Sincerely Chalko." L/N read aloud, a smile growing with each word.

"Did the head of the guards seriously give us the day off?" D/N questioned sarcastically.

The scroll was handed to R/N to look over, "this is his handwriting," she passed it to D/N who rolled her eight eyes.

"Well we should get you two unlocked then, if we want to get some food," L/N sighed as she stood, cracking every bone, from her neck to her knees, as she stretched, putting on her 'armour'. Quickly unlocking the two that are chained to the wall, L/N lead them out of the cramped cell.

The halls were quiet, as it was early morning, everyone but a few guards were asleep. They dare not to greet the lower rank guards like L/N, being an Inside Cell Guard is one of the lowest ranks in the facility but one of the most respected because they have to deal with rowdy prisoners that can, at any moment, kill you.


The food was high class and juicy at best. This would be R/N's and D/N's first full meal in over two years, they didn't even wait before pulling apart the meat and noodles. Messily eating with their hands, not having to share with anyone. Their own plate of food! The cell was quiet other than the sound of eating.

L/N started to space out, only able to focus on her own body. The long scars from when she had first arrived stood out against her soft skin. Her once long and decorated nails were cut halfway down the nail bed on every one of her fingers. Unlike the others who deal with burns of branding on their sides, L/N had her guard number branded on her cheek with the 'All Seeing Eye' across her neck.

It made her feel sick to her stomach to know that no matter how much she's tried, L/N will most likely never leave due to the necklace that binds her to the Facility. The 'All Seeing Eye' isn't what you may think it to be, it's truly a binding spell that can permanently harm the person wearing it if they do not follow orders perfectly. That means if the girls can't find a way to get the necklace off, Umi could just order L/N back to the facility and she would have to follow or she could be seriously hurt or even killed.

The spider scoffed in delight at the food, some of the best things she's ever had in a long while. D/N couldn't help but feel a little content at the taste of food from the streets above, giving her well off memories. It made D/N miss the times before having to be a punching bag, before not having a choice to fight. She slumped back, holding her stomach with two arms while the other four fixed her long hair.

D/N's hair was special to her mutation on its own, as it held a silk-like thread in its fibers, strong enough to go through steel, but thin enough to not be seen by the naked eye. Her calloused hands were all rough due to the hammer she held everyday, her body never without a new bruise or cut. Her eyes rolled back as she sighed, throwing a small pebble around in the air, waiting to see what would come of tomorrow.

word count: 943 

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