{C}Journy Part Two

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She shoved passed the large vines in the forest, even if there was no sun, sweat dripped off her face. R/N grimaced as her body felt weak. No time to tell her how long she had been walking, searching for any sign that her friends were alive. She huffed out of frustration, moving forward only to be met with a thicker forest. While the forest was getting thicker, R/N's patience was running rather thin. She kept her hands steady, ready to throw the chains out from her gauntlets as her eyes kept darting around, peering into branches, beyond bushes, into the mud. For anything that can hide, can kill her.
There were claps of thunder as a swirling storm came overhead. The air smelled of toxins as the rain came hurling down, burning R/N's skin. She hissed as she ran for cover, running to a cave of sorts. As R/N caught her breath, she stared at the patches of skin and fur where the 'rain' had dropped on her. The discoloration and lost clumps of fur combined with the burning sensation that it gave off was enough to determine what the rain was made up of. Acid rain, great, just another thing to hate about this place.
She slumped down to the ground, annoyed and pained swears slipping from her lips. She had kept the rain raged on, not affecting anything that had stood in it, but whenever she would try to leave the damp cave she would be burned. She watched the rain with anticipation that it would cease, but it seemed to go on in spite of her hopes.
An annoyed sigh came from the fox as she crossed her legs into a pretzel-like position. Chunks of hair clung onto the wall like it was super glue, the ends still wet from the river's violent waves. Everything seemed so horrid in the hidden city's outskirts. The claws of her gauntlets scratched at her neck, leaving long drags of torn skin from the back of R/N's neck to the dips of her collar bones. Her body shivered and ached, trying to keep itself warm as it slowly covered the burns with cakey and white scapes. The exhales that escaped her lips were jagged and rushed.
Her hand slipped out of her gauntlet and lightly pressed against the rocky wall, letting the cooling comfort of the stones force her into a still position. So still that she could be mistaken for a detailed statue of the distant past.
R/N's eyes traveled across the cave, trying to see how far it goes, but she could barely make out the symbols on the wall across from her.
Her vision wavered ever-so slightly and a small figure appeared on her lap. She would have smacked it off, but R/N was too weak to do anything about the small thing smelling her stomach. Even if her sight was going in and out, blurry to the point of only seeing a blend of colors, she could see the small creature start to settle in her lap and soon start to lightly snore.
R/N wanted to laugh, a creature so small, so stupid. She would most likely kill it when her strength comes to, but for now, she will let it sleep and maybe sleep herself.
Her body contracted slightly before resting her head on a smooth-feeling rock. She closed her eyes to shut off a final time before the pain overtook her body and forced her body into a dreamless sleep as it healed .
What R/N didn't realise was that another small creature, larger than the one in her lap but still quite small, stared at her from the dark of the cave and once she was asleep, waved over more creatures and they dragged her into the deep, dark cave.

I know I had been a while! I promise I am alive and haven't forgotten about this story!!! I have been very busy with school and my job, so I haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I can get the next part out soon!

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