Realizing You Have a Crush on Him; Raphael

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Raph's hands run through my hair as he snips of large chunks off. The bathroom warmed up as the steam filled the room, the water swished as I moved in the tub. I sigh, leaving my mind to wander while I slightly sink into the hot water. Raph would usually sit in the bathroom when I would take a bath just in case I had a panic attack, remembering the pig mutant now known as MeatSweats. I have gotten used to the fact that now I bathe with a sports bra and shorts on (washing me and my clothes) that I don't even realize they're there in the first place. Raph started to take smaller pieces of hair in between his large fingers to cut the finer details in.

"Thanks, again, for doing this," I hear him hum in response while he continues to chop at my hair. His hands were rough, but had soft movements.

The memories of the days started to blur together. Everyday was the same, wake up, hang out with the turtles, train with Raph, eat dinner with the boys, sit with Splinter and talk, then go to bed, everyday. It was rare that would break away from the flow to do something else and today was one of those days. Skipping training to take a bath while Raph cuts my hair. Every time his hand brushed against my cold neck, my cheeks would heat, my mind would go blank while my heart started to race. My breath hitched as Raph's finger brushed against my cheek as he let go of my hair.

"All done!" the male cheered from behind. "I'm just going to clean up and I'll be on my way," I hear a plastic bag wrinkle as Raph picks up my lost hairs. I sink into the water to hide my cheeks from his comforting eyes, blowing a few bubbles in the hot water. Letting my thoughts wander as Raph leaves the room, they all trace back to one source... Raph.

I hold my chest as my heart beats faster and faster. What's happening? Why does it feel like my world is spinning every time I think about him? I've never felt this way before! Do I ha-ACK! Water went up my nose when I wasn't paying attention to how heavy I was breathing. I cough violently to get the water out of my air way. My nostrils burned as hot tears blurred my vision. I try and stand up only to lose balance and fall backwards on the hard tiled floor. I yelp in pain as my coughing only becomes more violent. Rolling over onto my stomach, I feel a large lump in my throat. I reach for the toilet and drag my body up only to have a mixture of my breakfast and water come out of my mouth and into the toilet bowl.

Suddenly the red clad turtle walks into the steamy room to see my weak figure over the toilet. His face drops and Raph rushes to my side, pulling my short hair from my face as I continue to get rid of everything in my stomach. His large hand rubs circles around my back as tears roll down my cheeks. I hack out the rest and weakly flush my stomach contents away. My shaking hands let go of the toilet and my hangs low inside the bowl. Breathing slowly, I lean into Raph's warm touch.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly, making sure not to startle me. I shake my head 'no', sniffling softly. Raph brought my body close to his as he stood with me in his arms. He brought me to our shared room and set me down on my bed near his.

I have a crush on this gentle giant...

word count: 634

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