His POV; Leonardo

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Laughing, I dropped down on the building. I threw my hands up in the air, I love rain, it was so comforting, and I wasn't the only one who thought. Seeing the children playing around, getting soaked to the bone. A warm smile makes its way to my lips, hearing the cherry giggles from them makes me happy.

"Nardo, we're heading home. It would be best if you'd join us," Don's voice rang through the phone I had in hand.

"I'll be home in a minute, Bootyshaker9000," I snickered as he groaned, ending the call. I shove my phone in my belt and make my way to the closest manhole, laughing to myself. A familiar alley makes its way into my view and I smile again. I was about to get onto the fire escape when I saw a bunch of thugs and a... mutant girl?

I sit on the roof and watch her take down most of the thugs with one or two hits. She looked uncoordinated, just hitting aimlessly and hoped for the best. Her body looked tired as she held a scowl on her (s/c) features, her breathing jagged and she staggered here and there. The small and scrawny leader of the thugs calls up his last man to finish the girl off. A man full of mussels slowly walked up to the girl, looking down on her smaller figure with disgust present on his face.

The man went for the first attack, thankfully he missed. The girl should have run at that point but she stayed and fought, going foot a swift kick. The man caught her kick and twisted her foot til there was an audible crack that sounded in the noisy rain and then her scream in pain. My eyes widened, I was frozen in place, not knowing what to do other than watch. So I do, I sit and watch to see how this plays out.

The small leader walks up to the two and says something before his face was slammed into the wall by the girl. I sit there in surprise, the man gums and drives a punch to her face, blood pours out of her nose. Just then, in a blink of an eye, she takes down the final thug, making him crumble to the cold, wet ground.

She limbs to the fire escape opposite of me and slowly climbed her way to the roof and collapsed, letting the rian pelt her until she crawled to the roof entrance and sat under a gutter. I watched her until I thought she was asleep and jumped over the alley to her rooftop, slowly making my way to her. I stand over her for a second before carefully placing her on my shell.

I make sure that we aren't seen by anyone as we make it back down the fire escape, trying my best to keep myself from hurting the girl on my back. When I make it into the sewers, I start to sneak back into the dark lair until all the lights turn on and I come face to face with everyone who lives with me. Their eyes travel to the unconscious girl on my back and I smile nervously.

"Well this is awkward."


After a couple of hours, everything finally settled, the girl resting after being patched up in my room while I got a lecture from Donnie and Raph (mostly from Don). Since I found her, I was the one checking in on her, making sure that she was comfortable, if she was in pain or not, and making sure that when she woke up, I would be there to help her in any way possible.

I walk into my room with some tea, but I stop in my tracks to find that she's gone. I started to panic, looking around my room frantically until Mikey came in to see her as well and saw my panicked face and empty bed. He too, started to panic and told the other two and we started searching around the lair like mad men. I threw everything around, checking everywhere on the second floor with Donnie while Raph and Mikey checked the ground floor.

I was about to tear up the lab when we all heard Raph yell that he'd found her. We all rushed into where he had yelled out. We had all ran into the TV room and saw her just sitting there, looking adorable, wrapped up in my blanket, a small cup of tea bundled in her hands as she smiled nervously up at us. We then learn her name to be (y/n) and how she had become a mutant. I tried my best to make small talk with her while we watched a movie, but ultimately just watched the movie while taking a couple of glances at her.

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