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The three decided that they had enough emotional drama and incidences for the day, so they decided to just stay inside together and watched movies.

They all had their great movie night until it started to get dark.

"I think I'll head to bed now" yawned Charles as the movie ended. "Night, guys"

"Night!" said Ellie as Henry gave a wave to Charles who gave a small wave back then headed up the stairs.

"So, do you want to watch another one or hit the hay?" asked Ellie turning at Henry.

Henry gave her a tired smile, stood up and pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the stair.

"Alright then" nodded Ellie. "Make sure to sleep well. You need it"

Henry gave her a thankful smile and nod then headed up the stairs and over to his bedroom.

First he changed his clothes, as he knew Charles was occupying the bathroom for the moment.

After Henry got changed and got ready new clothes for the next day he heard Charles go out the bathroom and went out to go in.

He went through the normal rutine and soon was able to lay down on his bed.

Henry gave out a sigh, glad that he was finally going to be able to get a proper sleep after the effect from the loss of timeline jumping.

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.


Downstairs Ellie was cleaning the living room after the movie night.

She looked out the window as she thought she saw a movement.

She walked over to the window and scouted over the area outside, but saw nothing.

"Must've been an animal" she shrugged and turned off the lights.

She them headed up the stairs to get to bed herself.


Outside a bunny was jumping around in the garden, but then it's ears perked up and sprung off as something scared it.

The thing being a black car which stopped on the side of the road not to far from the house.

"We're at the house, sir" said someone into their headset sitting inside the car.

"Good, keep an eye on them and strike at any possible moment" answered someone. "The others are camping down the road ready to strike at the signal"

"Right" nodded the one in the car.

"Why are we going this far just to get one man?" asked someone else who sat in the passenger seat.

"You know full well, Cal" the man answered. "That man is Henry Stickmin. The infamous thief who stole the Tunisia Diamond and took down the Toppat Clan with the goverment"

"Yeah, so?" asked Cal with a raised eyebrow. 

"Boss has had his fondness of him and wants to meet him personally" said the man. "And from what I was able to hear. The man got some kind of ability or power, i don't know"

"Psst" almost laughed Cal.  "Ron, you know powers don't exist"

"I don't know" said Ron. "I'm just following orders, so should you"

"Whatever" said Cal.


The next day Ellie was, as normal, first up.

The Regret and Want to Forget - Henry Stickmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now