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"Any reports?" asked Chief from the desk making Henry turn around to look. "Any activities outside the base?"

"No, boss" came an answer from the desk machine. "No unusual activites and no own has neither left nor entered"

"Good" nodded Chief and let go the button and switched channel. "Dext, report"

"Yes, boss" immidiently answered Dext. "The machine is ready to go"

"Good" answered Chief with a nod.

'What machine?' wondered Henry.

"We'll be down soon" continued Chief.

"Right!" said Dext and the line was cut.

"We'll be moving now" said Chief and stood up looking at Henry. "We'll be going down to the lab, but first I have to gather guards"

Henry raised an eyebrow, but stood up and followed him out of the office.

Outside the office stood two guards guarding the room and hallway.

"You, come with us" said Chief to one of them. "And you, don't let anyone inside the office"

"Yes, boss!" they nodded.

They continued down the hallway and down the building with Chief gathering guards along the way.

Soon they arrived to the first floor outside the lab, and now there were multiple guards alongside them.

"Two of you, stand out here" commanded Chief. "The rest of you, come inside"

They all gave a nod and walked into the room while two stayed outside to guard.

'What's with all the guards?' wondered Henry and watched as all the guards spread around the room. 'The goverment must have found the place!'

"Henry, come here" called Chief.

Henry turned towards him and saw him standing next to Dext who was typning onto the large machine.

'What the?' thought Henry when he saw it. 'What is that?'

He walked over and studied the machine.

"Get moving, Dext" said Chief when Henry came over.

"Already on it!" said Dext and continued to type.

The machine then started to light up as it turned on with a bunch of different lights and smaller screens turning on.

'I got a bad feeling...' thought Henry and unconsciously took a step back.

Then without any warning, Dext turned from the machine and grabbed Henry's arm and dragged him into the smaller part of the machine.

He opened the door of the machine and dragged Henry inside.

'Oh no, no, no, no, no!' realised Henry and started to struggle.

"Keep still!" growled Dext and slammed him into the table. "You're just making it worse for yourself"

Henry continued to struggle, but Dext strapped him up on the table making it impossible to move.

Dext continued to strap on the nessecary wires then walked out the room.

'No, no, no, no!' panicked Henry, but was barely able to move his body.

Dext slammed the door shut and locked it from the outside.

Henry was now left alone inside the small and mostly empty machine room with only wires coming out of the walls and onto him.

Outside Dext moved over to the keyboard again and started to type.

The Regret and Want to Forget - Henry Stickmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now