Just For Fun

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"How? How does that even happen? How did you even manage to break Lydia's bedroom door in half?" Those three questions were uttered out by a panicking Adam so fast, Barbara could barely make out what it was that her husband had said, whereas Betelgeuse, on the other hand, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, relaxing as he formulated a response to all three questions.

"Threw it open with enough force to cause it to break in half in the middle."

Adam and Barbara looked at one another, then turned their attention back over towards Betelgeuse. Adam spoke up again after about a little while, "well then, let's just go and check it out for ourselves. See if there's anything that we can do about it."

Betelgeuse nodded and moved to stand over near where Adam and Barbara were, closing his eyes and again allowing himself to relax as Adam snapped his fingers and teleported the three of them out of the guest room and just outside of Lydia's bedroom. Betelgeuse had, by now, moved to lean against the wall outside Lydia's bedroom and Adam and Barbara looked over towards the two broken pieces of the teenager's bedroom door. After a while, they both turned their heads and looked towards Betelgeuse with worried looks on their faces - which he immediately guessed meant a bad thing.

"I'm not sure there's anything we can do about it. You broke it in a way that would render it not fixable."

"So you could just ask my dad and Delia to go out and buy me a new bedroom door or could you just make a new one appear out of thin air and attach it to the doorframe? There really isn't a way it can be fixed?" Barbara, Adam, and Betelgeuse's attention turned to Lydia - the aforementioned teenager leaning against her doorframe and looking disappointedly over at the Maitlands.

"I'm afraid not, Lyd," was Adam's response as he snapped his fingers and made Lydia's old bedroom door disappear in a flash of light. Barbara did the same thing not too long after, a brand new bedroom door that looked exactly like the old one appearing and attaching itself to the doorframe - just as soon as Lydia stepped outside of her bedroom, that was.

"There we go!" Barbara spoke up once it was done. "Good as new. You'll barely notice any difference." Within the next few seconds, neither ghost was even expecting Lydia to run over towards them and throw her arms around them in a tightened hug. Eventually though, the two of them returned the hug that she was giving them - with warm smiles appearing on both ghosts' faces.

"Thank you guys so much!" Lydia cried out, letting go of the Maitlands soon afterwards and stepping back over to her bedroom door, opening and closing it a few times each. Barbara let out a laugh, whereas Adam rolled his eyes.

"Careful with that door, Lydia. The last thing we want is for it to be broken like your old one was. We can not just replace your bedroom door on a daily basis," Barbara had to remind the teenager - causing the latter to stop with what she was currently doing and turn to look towards the Maitlands with a grin of amusement on her face.

"Sorry," was Lydia's response as the Maitlands turned and headed downstairs for now. Lydia turned to head back into her bedroom, but turned back around again when Betelgeuse, still leaning against the wall, spoke up,


"Why don't you go spend some time in your own bedroom, Beej-..." Before Lydia could even finish her sentence, Betelgeuse had rushed off to his room only to come running back down the hall towards Lydia's with a pillow in his hand. Lydia fake-gasped, then turned on her heel again and ran right back into her bedroom but left the door open. Soon after, Betelgeuse ran inside Lydia's bedroom and was suddenly hit right in the face by a pillow that was most likely thrown at him by an amused Lydia.

"Hey! No fair!" he shouted, launching towards Lydia. She jumped off her bed at this, causing Betelgeuse to face plant into it. Looking up, he threw the pillow at Lydia - who then caught it in midair and threw it back at him. "Double no fair!"

When it hit him in the face, Betelgeuse removed the pillow and threw it back over towards Lydia - who ducked then righted herself, grabbing the same pillow from the air and chucking it at him. Catching it once he walked over towards Lydia and placed the pillow on top of her head. Wanting to mess with his best friend, Betelgeuse rested a hand flat out on top of the pillow and prevented Lydia from removing it.

Lydia reached up, her hands clutching and gripping at both ends of the pillow as she tried to remove it to no avail. Betelgeuse reached down to grab another pillow - which gave Lydia just enough time to pry the pillow off her head and throw it off to the side.

"Hey!" Betelgeuse said, starting to light hit Lydia in the back of the head with the pillow he'd reached down to grab. "No fair!"

Sooner or later Lydia's room was a cluttered mess as a result of the pillow fight that Lydia and Betelgeuse had recently had, but the new bedroom door was still intact and not broken in any way, shape, or form this time. Barbara and Adam phased through the closed bedroom door and entered Lydia's room to find Lydia laying on her bed, fast asleep with a pillow over her face. Betelgeuse, on the other hand, had since gone back to his new bedroom. And one of Lydia's pillows appeared to be missing from her bedroom - most likely taken from there by Betelgeuse.

The two ghosts looked confusedly at one another, then Barbara calmly floated over towards Lydia's bed and stood next to it - followed closely behind by Adam. Carefully, Barbara leaned over and tapped Lydia, speaking in a soft voice,

"Lydia, are you awake?"

"Just five more minutes please...." the teenager mumbled out softly, rolling over on her bed so that she was now laying flat out on her stomach and face planting into her pillow. Barbara straightened herself and turned to look at Adam, then turned her attention back over towards Lydia.

"Don't you want to come down for dinner, silly?" Barbara had to say with a laugh, causing the teenager to awaken and sit up - her attention drifting over to Adam and Barbara.

"Is it dinnertime already?"

"Dinner started five minutes ago."

"Shit!" Lydia said, forgetting how many times she was reminded to not curse.

But Barbara didn't have quite enough time to remind Lydia of just that, since the teenager had already stood up from her bed and rushed right out the door - leaving the Maitlands just standing there both stunned and silent for a few seconds before they teleported downstairs as well.

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